Someone Thinks You're A Couple Part 1

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(( A/N: okay, sorry for not updating on friday, i went to a wedding, and we all know that indian weddings last for a week so yeah. sorry. ))


so in this part you're going to end up with a different guy, and in the next part he tells you that he has feelings for you.

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"Y/N!" Luke calls out from the living room. "What?" You yell back, waiting for the microwave to finish heating up the popcorn. "Get me a beer?" He asks, over the hum of the telley, and the guys follow up with the same question. You laugh to yourself and shake your head. "Sure!" You reply, as you hear Luke go defensive. The boy's legs were longer than his attention span. You couldn't quite hear what he was saying, but you were almost entirely positive that it was about Luke wearing Calum's underwear.  You yawned, and stretched your arms out, and the microwave beeped, startling you. You pulled out the bag and shook the pieces into the already full bowl. Now you wouldn't have to get up for at least 20 minutes. You grabbed five beers from the fridge, holding them all in one hand. You entered the living room, and handed out the beers before settling next to Luke. The boys attacked the bowl, taking handfuls into their hands while grumbling. You absentmindedly leaned into Luke and he rested his arm around your shoulders. "See, you guys look so cute together," Ashton blurted, and you nearly choked on your popcorn. "What?" You gasped, bending forward to get a good look at him. "Yeah, I ship you guys." Calum said, pointedly. "Well, we're not together." You groaned, leaning back into Luke. "Admit it, you guys have feelings for each other, because you're both really hot." Michael said, through a mouthful of popcorn. You tried to shrug off Luke's grip but he didn't have it. He pulled you closer to him. "You and Calum always cuddle, why can't we?" Luke questioned Michael. "Because me and Calum are a couple." He replied, pulling the tan boy into his lap and wrapping his arms around his waist. "Get a room," You scoff, letting your head sit on Luke's shoulder. "Are you tired?" He whispered to you, his eyes shining. "Yeah," You murmured, drawing your knees up to your chest. "Honestly, just get married, have a few babies and call it good. Your babies would be cute." Ashton said, raising his eyebrows and pointing at you guys."I don't like Luke." You say at the same time that Luke says, "I don't like Y/N." Calum shrugs as he says, "Oh well, they'll be sucking face in no time." "We don't feelings for each other." You insist, properly sitting up."If you don't have any feelings for each other, than kiss me." Michael smirks, pushing Calum off of his lap and onto the floor in the process. "Uh, no fucking way," Calum sasses, putting one hand on his hip. "It's just one kiss, baby." Michael waves him off. "You're not kissing him." Luke growls into your ear. "It's not a big deal," You whisper and stand up. "Pucker up, Clifford." He stands up, and you fist his shirt in your hand and pull him towards you. Just as your lips touch his, Luke stands up and leaves the room. It ends up being more than just a kiss, and when Michael finally pulls away, all of the guys have left the room, and are playing Fifa in the den. "You're not bad, Y/L/N," Michael smirks, his hands on your waist, barely under your shirt, and your foreheads resting against each other. "You're okay," You tease, letting your hands trace over his lips. "Maybe we can kiss again on our first date?" "I'd rather kiss again right now."

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Michael's POV

"Michael!" Calum hisses to the black haired boy. He turns around from where Y/N was buying tickets for the carnival. "What?" He asks, running a hand through his hair. "Is Y/N afraid of heights?" Calum asks, pulling Michael away from the unknowing girl. "I don't think she is." He states, his eyebrows furrowing.  "I want to ask her on date on the top of the Ferris wheel when the fireworks go off." The boy says, excitedly. "Then do it," He shrugs, and returns to Y/N, jealously bubbling at the surface. "I got the all day passes!" She squeals, waving around the five wrist bands. She hands one to each of the guys, and before Calum can say one word, Michael blurts out, "Can you put my bracelet on?" "Sure," She grins and pulls the touch piece of paper through the loop and snaps the plastic. "Can you do mine?" She asks, holding her hand out. Michael copies her motions, his hands lingering on her wrist. "Thanks," Y/N says, before taking hold of his wrist and dragging him to the Go-Karts. "I'm gonna butcher you," Y/N snarls, scrunching up her nose and making Michael forget how to breathe. "Not if I pick up the knife first," Michael jokes, as Y/N playfully shoves him, laughing and shaking her head. "Your jokes are worse than your driving skills." She teases. "Which are better than yours," Michael counters. "Next!" The cheerful attendant calls out. The five of them rush to the front of the line and happily get the small key for the respective carts. Michael watched Y/N intently as she slipped into her cart with minimal problems and buckled the seat belt around her small waist then pushed the piece of metal into the ignition. She held her helmet above her head before saying to Michael, "See you at the finish line." Michael quickly turned his attention back to his go kart, and slid the buckle into place, put his helmet on, and started the cart. He shot forward and sat comfortably in front of the start line. Y/N appeared next to him, and with some struggle, the boys pulled in. The attendant came in, and explained the rules of safety and the general rules and warning before going back onto the platform. "On your marks, get set, go!" She screamed,  pushing the button that let the lever up. Michael eased his foot onto the accelerator, remembering how the carts could go 70 km/p/h.  Y/N was in front of him, her hair flowing out of her helmet like a banner. Michael took a detour around her, as one of the many crazy turns of the track came. He swerved just in time, and sped up, looking behind him at the girl left in his dust. He smirked and settled back into his seat, as he heard the roar of another engine approaching him. He shot a look to his side and found the Luke and Ashton were crashed into a wall, obviously using too much speed, and Calum was whirling slowly around the curves, his face contorted in concentration. Michael sped up, and stayed in the lead for the remainder of the first lap, and when they were passing Calum, Y/N took first. Michael decreased his pressure on the pedal, and barely slowed down, noticing how Y/N also slowed down. He let her stay in the lead for the second and almost entirely the third, when he zoomed forward, and passed the finish line, cheering for himself. Y/N came in behind him, pouting. Michael took his helmet off and tried to make his hair lay the proper way. She removed her helmet, took out her seat belt, and took the key out from the ignition. "I won," Michael nonchalantly shrugged, as Y/N ran her fingers through her hair. "Cool." She said, stepping out of her cart and smacking the key into the attendants hand, before sitting onto the curb. Michael handed the attendant his key and sat down next to Y/N, despite the attendants threats. He loosely slung his arm around your shoulders while Calum crawled in, and Luke and Ashton followed. After ten minutes. "Keep an eye on this rebel couple." The attendant says to Luke, pointing at Michael and Y/N, "Oh, we're not together," Michael says, standing up. "Because we are." Calum says, pulling Y/N up. "W-What?" She stuttered, looking at Calum, and his arm wrapped around her waist. "I was meaning to ask you if you wanted to go out to dinner with me?" Calum nervously asked. "S-Sure." 

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