He Accidentally Hits You

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(( A/N: sorry i stopped during the spam, i literally fell asleep on my computer ))

Y/F/N = Your Full Name

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You and Luke were making a cake for Ben's daughter's birthday. You were mixing everything and Luke was retrieving the ingredients.  He leaned against the counter, as you looked around the mess, trying to figure out what was missing from the batter. You dip two fingers in and hold one out to him, as you take the batter into your mouth. He puts his entire mouth on your finger, and sucks on it, making you squeal. He releases his grip on you, a stupid grin on his face."Can you get me some sugar?" You ask him, reaching over to rinse your fingers in the basin. He grabs your arm, pulls you towards him and kisses you sweetly. "Not that kind," You giggle, pushing him away. He laughs, and wiggles his eyebrows, before walking int the pantry. You began mixing the batter again when not even a second later you hear him call out, "Powdered, brown or white?" You put down the whisk and dust off your hands, before walking into the pantry. You look around him, and see that he's taken two different packages into his hand, and is about to pick up a third one. You open your mouth to say something, when he turns around, elbowing you in the eye in the process. "Damn it!" He cusses, shoving the packages back onto the shelf, while you cover your eye, doubled over. He gently grabs your wrist and pulls you out of the pantry. "Let me see," He breathes, pulling your hands off of your eye. You keep your eye shut, already feeling it slightly bruise. "Sit down," He says, pointing to the counter, panic all over his face. "I'm fine, Luke." You insist, but he softly pushes you. You oblige and hop onto the only clear spot, while he pulls out an ice pack from the freezer. "I'm such an idiot," He murmurs, placing the ice pack over your eye, applying an ounce of pressure. You move your hand to hold it, but he swats it back into your lap. "Are you okay?" He asks, looking at you in your one good eye. "Never better," You grin, sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm so sorry," He says, sheepishly, shaking his head. "It's okay, Luke, we all know you're clumsy." He rolled his eyes, as you put his hand over his and pulled the ice pack away. He examined your eye, his finger on your chin, tilting your head up. "It won't be that bad." He informed you, putting the ice pack back onto your eye. "Nothing a little makeup won't fix?" You asked, as he laced his fingers with yours, still in your lap. "Nothing a little makeup won't fix." He confirmed, placing a kiss on your nose.

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You had just beat your best friend in Destiny, and he wasn't having it. "I can't believe you won!" He yelled, clearly frustrated. You laughed, jumping onto his couch, and dancing. You threw the controller onto the ground, and cheered for yourself. "You're such a LOSER!" You taunted, his face growing a light pink. He stood up, but you were slightly taller than him, since you were elevated and he wasn't. Michael crossed his arms over his chest, puffing out his cheeks, while you ruffled his hair and stuck your tongue out at him. He scrunched his nose, mockingly, and poked his tongue back at you. Suddenly, he grabbed you waist, and pulled you over his shoulder. "Michael!" You squirmed, thumping on his back. "Y/N," He mimicked. "Put me down." You demanded, and he began walking. "I hate you, Michael Gordon Clifford!" You yelled, hoping his neighbor wouldn't hear. "And I love you, Y/F/N!" He yelled, reaching up with the hand that wasn't secured around you and tickling you. Your body jerked, as you almost fell out of his grasp. "Careful," He warned, as he opened the door to his bedroom, and kicked it closed behind him. "Why did you close the door, when it's just you and me?" You questioned, pulling at his hair, while he stood in front of his bed. "It'll take longer for you to escape." He explained, easily throwing your body onto the bed. Your breath got knocked out of you, but you quickly stood up, and grabbed a pillow, and began to hit him. "Payback!" You screamed. He jumped up beside you, and grabbed a pillow, starting to attack you. You smacked at his side, jumping up and down. He copied you, hitting you on your shoulder, when you were in the air. He miscalculated your jump, and hit you on the side of your head, the force making you fall onto his bed. "Oh God, Y/N, are you okay?" He asked, keeling down next to you. You were about to sit back up, when he pushed you back down, and began peppering your face with kisses, saying how sorry he was in between each one. "I think we're interrupting something," You hear Luke say, from the doorway. The door had flown open, and Luke and Calum were standing there, with smug smiles on their faces. Michael's face reddened, as he pulled away from you. You attempted to sit up again, when Michael pushed you back down, again. "Y/N, you're injured, we have to get you to the hospital!" He yelled, pulling on his hair. "No, I'm not." You laughed. Michael took you to the hospital anyways, only leaving after he was assured that you were perfectly fine.

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"Stop it, stop it, stop it!" You squealed, pushing Ashton's hands away as he tickled at your sides, his long fingers dancing on your waist. He giggled, and began to place light kisses on your neck, adding to the exhilarating feeling. You squirmed under his grip, laughing so hard that your laughter came out in short and raspy breaths. He begins licking long strips up your neck, and you are fighting for breath, as his cool tongue glides over your hot skin. "I'm not responsible for any of your injuries!" You gasp, pushing his chest with all your strength. He falls next to you, his breathing laboured, as he laughs. You roll on top of him, straddling his waist, and began to tickle him. "No, Y/N!" He whines, laughing, his arms and legs flailing around like a little kid. "Revenge!" You snicker, getting him under his arm pits, his weak spot. He sucks in a heavy breath, his arm lashing out and hitting the side of your nose. You groaned, and fell off of him, your hand cupping your nose, as soon as his arm retracted. You curled up in a ball, as he abruptly sat up "Holy shit, Y/N, I'm sorry," He rushed, kneeling beside you. Your nose burns, and you feel your hands moisten with your blood. Your eyes screw shut, as Ashton squeals when he sees the blood spill out from in between your fingers. He pulls his shirt off from over his head, and pulls your hands away. "Fuck, Y/N, I'm sorry," He apologizes, and grimaces. He gently presses the cloth against your nose, the fabric instantly absorbing all the blood. "I didn't mean to hit you," He whispers, tears in his eyes. "It's okay, Ash," You groan, clutching his bicep, and resting your head on his chest. You kept one hand over his shirt, and the other on his arm, as he wrapped his arms around you, his back leaned against the couch. "It was an accident." He insisted. "I know." You mumbled, adding pressure and tilting your head up. "I'm really sorry," He repeats, placing a kiss on your forehead. "It's okay," You sigh, moving the cloth to a clean and dry spot. "Seriously, I'm sorry." He says again, and you roll your eyes.  "I know, Ash." You chuckle. "I'm sorry, why are you laughing at me?" He pouts, tightening his grip around you, and burying his face in your collarbone. "Because you'll be sorry if you don't stop apologizing." You warn. "But I'm sorry." He whines, your skin stifling his voice. "I know, Ashton."

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You were proud of the fact that you had picked up some footie skills after hanging around Calum and the lads. You two were in Switzerland for the week, and Calum had insisted on taking you to the nearest field and putting his past to work. He juggled the ball with his feet while you sat on a small hill, watching him play, and keeking him. "Calum in his natural habitat," You giggled, as he shifted the ball from his knees to his feet. "Holy shit, hold the phone," You whisper, sarcastically, as he looked up. You quickly posted the video and locked his phone, before tossing it back onto his sweater. "Cool trick," You called out, giving him a thumbs up, while you looked around the isolated park. "Y/N, let's play a round of one- on- one," He yelled, flicking the ball into the air than tucking it under his arm. "Show- off," You muttered, as you stood up from the grass and brushed off your leggings. You unzipped your Adidas track sweater and threw it onto Calum's before jogging into the field. "This is my side," He said, pointing to a vague area in between two trees. "And that's yours," His finger extended to show you another spot in the middle of another set of trees. "5 points?" You asked, relacing your Converse. He shrugged, and helped you up while you both walked to the make shift field. "You can start," He offered, tossing you the ball. You let it fall to the ground, as you kicked it in front of you, and began rolling it towards Calum's 'goal.' He got into it, and kicked the ball out in front of you, and you chased him, sticking your foot out and tripping over Calum's leg at last second. You fell to the ground as Calum sprinted the short distance to your side. You tried to stand up, but instantly crumpled when you felt the thunder bolt of pain race up your leg. "Fuck," You groaned, clutching at your leg, as Calum cheered for himself. "Y/N?" He called out, and tried again, more worried, when you didn't reply. He appeared next to you, and his eyes widened when he saw the tears streaming down your face. "I fell on it wrong," You choked out, as he undid your laces and pulled your sock off. "We have to get you to a hospital," He said, picking you up bridal style. "I'm fine," You sniffled burying your face into his chest. "Call 911 my girl friend is hurt!" Calum screamed. "I don't think that applies here," You hushed him, laughing. He quickly began laughing, and since he wasn't a good multi-tasker,  he fell down the hill. He pulled you into his chest, bracing you as the two of you tumbled down the hill, laughing. 

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(( A/N: request yo ))

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