You're Going Through A Breakup And He Comforts You

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"Luke?" You sob through the line, and you curl up in a ball, on your bed. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks, his voice low and worried. You can imagine his eyebrows furrowed and his hand messing up his hair, before adjusting it again, so it lays how he wants it to. "H-He broke up with m-me." You ball your eyes out, clutching your knees to your chest.. "I'm coming over." Luke grunts, and you hear shuffling in the background. Finally you hear the rattle of Luke's keys and a door slamming. "Can you stay on the line?" You ask your best friend. "Yeah, of course I can." He answers, and you hear the roar of Luke's dads pickup truck. As always, Luke waits for the engine to steady, before switching gears. "Are you at your parents' or your place?" He asks, and you hear the signal clicking. "Mine." You reply, wiping the tears furiously off of your face. "Shit," You hear Luke cuss. "What?" You ask, your breath fast. "There's a cop, baby, I'll have to hang up. I'm sorry," Luke rushes out. "Bye," You whisper. "Don't do anything bad," Luke says, and the line goes dead, after he says his goodbye. "No promises, Luke," You whisper, you're eyes drawn towards a sharp blade.

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"What kind of pizza do you want?" Michael asks, softly, while you wrap yourself in his blankets. You shrug and Michael orders your favorite. He folds himself into the blankets, and pulls you into his chest, sobs racking your body. Your best friend's shirt is getting wetter as the minutes tick by, but he doesn't care. "It's no use crying over someone who can't hear you," Michael whispers to you, and you clutch onto him like a child. "Why did he cheat on me, again?" You whimper, tears falling down your face, as you look up to Michael. You can see his heartbreaking in his eyes, and you bury your face in his soaked chest. "Because, he's blind to what an amazing girl you are, how you make the best homemade pizza, and how you can kick any one's ass at COD or even League of Legends. You get frustrated when you miss in FIFA, and you do your dorky happy dance when you find all the notes in slender. Your nose scrunches up, like a kitten when you laugh, and you hate it when someone disowns Pete Wentz or Patrick Stump." Michael says, his voice quiet and gentle. He begins humming what sounds like Therapy by All Time Low, and rocking you back and forth, slowly. Give me therapy, I'm a walking travesty. Your eyes tear up again, and you look up at Michael. "I'm such a fuck up," You sob, and Michael holds you tighter. "You can be my fuck up."

(( a/n: if you know what I'm talking about, I love you ))

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"He's not worth a single tear of yours," Ashton says, with a small, sad smile. "It hurts," You sob, holding onto your best friend. "I'll hurt him." Ashton murmurs, his eyes down casting for a moment. "Don't," You weakly demand, tears silently streaming down your face. "I won't baby, pinky promise." He says, wiggling his little finger at you. You can't help but giggle at his childishness, and he attempts to wiggle his eyebrows, but fails miserably. You cover your mouth, as another giggle pushes past your lips. Ashton smiles, happy to hear you laugh. You wipe at your tear stained cheeks, your sorrows momentarily forgotten. "I'm trying to promise you," Ashton whines, and flexes his finger. You link your pinky with his and smile. "Pinky promise?" You ask. "Pinky promise." Ashton confirms, and kisses your knuckle. "Maybe pinky promise will be our always."

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"I can't believe he broke up with me." You say, referring to your ex, whom you dated for 6 months. Your eyes tear up, and Calum rubs your back, with the arm that was slung lazily around you. ((a/n: I need you to imagine Calums voice rn)) "He's a massive dick for doing that to you." Calum chides, and you swat at his tan arm. The tears spill down your cheeks and Calum wipes them away with his thumb, and kisses your temple. "Its alright, baby girl." He whispers. You snuggle into his chest, and he flips through the channels. You listen to the soft thumpingg of his heart, and Calum turns the telley off before chucking the remote onto the couch, and cuddling you with both of his arms. You slowly fall asleep and Calum smirks, knowing that his princess is safe. Also because he beat up your ex boyfriend just in case he ever hurt you. Well he broke up with you, so he kind of has to beat him up again

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(( A/N: Sorry for not updating, ily baby. *tucks you into bed and presses a kiss to your forehead * ))

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