He Goes Through A Break Up

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(( A/N: If I told you my YouTube channel would you subscribe? ))

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Just as you step out of the shower, your doorbell rings. You quickly wrap a towel around your body, and step over a pair of Sperry's on your way to the door. You look through the peephole, and see its your best friend Luke. Throwing open the door, you grin to him. "Luke!" You exclaim, before you take in his appearance. Your smile slowly starts to fade, as you take in his blotchy red eyes, posture and just everything about him. "Y/N," He whimpers, then grasps you and hugs you tight burying his face in your shoulder. "Luke?" You whisper and wrap your arms around him. "Get in." You tell him, and close the door behind you. He silently cries, each sob shaking his body. You inhale sharply, as Luke begins to whimper. You'd never seen Luke like this before. "Luke I have to put some clothes on," You mutter. "Sorry," He sniffles quietly and pulls back. You stand there for a moment taking in his features. "What happened?" You ask softly. "Ashleigh." He mumbles. "Sit down," You gently demand, and nudge a single converse under the couch. You turn and go to your room to put some clothes on, and then comfort your heartbroken best friend.

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Your best friend, Michael's head lay in your lap and you stroked his colored hair as he soundly slept with the rest of his body propped up on the couch. His face was tears stained and slightly red. You sighed, and he frowned slightly in his slumber. He muttered something illegitimate in his sleep and repeated it a few times, before stopping. You had stayed up all night with him, and once he had fallen asleep, you stayed awake and carefully watched his facial expressions. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open and you found yourself looking in his, normally alight with humor, dull eyes. "Hey," You whisper softly, once he's come to his senses, and you continue playing with his hair. "Hi," He says, equally quiet, and a tear slips down his face and you quickly wipe it away. He blinks slowly, his long eyelashes flittering. "Are you tired?" You ask, letting the whisper game go on. "Exhausted," He answers, understanding the objective of the game. "You haven't slept all night," He comments, his voice hoarse. "I needed to be with you," You justify and resist the urge to rub the sleep from your eyes. "You must me tired," He breathes out, and you just nod, agreeing with him. He studies your face, and you scan over his immaculate features, unkempt. "Y/N, I'm such a fuck up," He mumbles, and his tears spill all over his face. "You can be my fuck up."

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"Y/N, where did I go wrong?!" Ashton sobs into his hands. You kneel in front of him and move his hands away from his face. You look into his bloodshot eyes, and you both have a silent conversation, one that only you two understand. You don't have to be strong, the unspoken words hang in between you and Ashton, in the stiff air. He breaks down entirely, and pulls your body toward him, in a broken embrace. He tries to form words, but only sobs escape past his lips. You tightly wrap your arms around him, and you let him cry into your Sex Pistols shirt. You begin to hum No Angels by Bastille into his ear, hoping it will soothe him. "So no, I don't want your number," Ashton says the lyrics, and wipes his nose, and laughs. "There's the Ashton I know," You whisper quietly and cup his face. You lean your forehead to his, and pace your slow breathing to match his. "No, I don't wanna give you mine," Ashton continues the lyrics, almost silently. "No, I don't want to meet you nowhere," He adds after a few moments. "No, I don't want none of your time," You finish. "No, I don't want no scrub." Ashton sings softly. "A scrub is a man, who can't get no love from me," You sing softly. "Hanging out the passenger side, of his best friends ride." Ashton whispers, his voice cracking. "Trying to holler at me," You let the lyrics tumble out of your mouth, before Ashton breaks down again.

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"Y/N, I need you here." Calum demands in that sassy way of his, but you know he's hurting. "I'll be there in twenty," You reassure him, and bolt out of your house. Almost half an hour later, you ring Calum's doorbell with several containers of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and a few of Calum's favourite movies. Lets just say Calum went through break ups, like a girl. It was a bit amusing sometimes though, but he was your best friend nevertheless."Y/N, if it's you come in. If its not, don't bother." You heard Calum's broken voice bellow from deep within the house. You couldn't help but let a giggle past your lips. You turned the knob on the door way and entered Casa Del Hood. "Calum?" You called out into the darkness. "Here," He replied from the living room. You stepped over pizza boxes and beer cans to Calum's living room. He was laying on the largest couch, with at least five blankets piled atop him. "How are you feeling?" You ask him, kneeling in front of him. "Horrible." Calum rasps. "I know how horrible you feel. Loving someone who doesn't love you." You swallow the lump in your throat. "It hurts," Calum whispers. "I need you," He says softly and throws his arms around you. "I love her so much." He sobs into your neck. "I got your ice cream." You tell him, once he's calmed down. "That's the only reason I wanted you here. Joking."

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(( A/N: Why are my eyeballs peeing? Allergies or feels? ))

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