Prom | Fetus Michael Part 1

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(( A/N: The dress above is your dress. So, I'm in the process of writing a fanfic, but I haven't published it yet. I'm thinking, that I should write a bunch write now, and update once a week, which is what I want to do with this preference book. Kapiche? I'm not that sure though. ))

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Fetus Michael:

"You ready?" Michael asks, leaning against your door frame. "Who let you in?" You shoot back, slipping on earrings. "Your parents." Michael says simply. You turn to face him, and your jaw almost drops. His fringe is styled to perfection, and he's wearing a suit and tie, but his sleeves are rolled up and his tie his hanging loosely around his neck. His red Adidas high tops, pull everything together. "I'm ready," You say, moving your entire body toward him. His jaw drops. "You look... stunning!" Michael says, and his face instantly turns red. You blush, and Michael awkwardly scratches the back if his neck. "Here," He says, and shoves a corsage in you're direction, and you accept it to find that the corsage matches your dress perfectly. "Thanks," You say, and Michael just nods. "C'mon," Michael says, while you just look at the corsage in the box. He takes your hand, and pulls you out of your room and down the stairs. "Bye Mum!" You manage to call out as Michael slams the door behind you. He intertwines his fingers with yours and runs down the street pulling you along. You let out a laugh and Michael squeezes your hand making your heart flutter. Finally, he stops at the STOP sign and begins to catch his breath. "Most girls wouldn't run," he gasps. "Well I'm not most girls," You reply gulping in air. Michael gestures to a limousine parked by the curb. "That's our ride." He says, and winks. You laugh, but butterflies erupt in your stomach. He opens the door for you and you climb in and so does Michael. You're surrounded by three other boys. All dateless. You smile at them and begin to fiddle with your corsage box. You open the lid, and carefully slip the corsage out of place. Michael notices your efforts to put on the corsage yourself, and takes it from you and ties it around your wrist. "There." He whispers, almost to himself.

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(( A/N: I'm guessing, you weren't expecting a Michael part 1, but a Luke part 2. Hahaha I'm just evil like that, sorry babes. I'm starting gymnastics as an after school sport, and I hope it'll be fun. ))

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