Everything I Didn't Say Preference

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(( A/N: I like doing song lyric preferences. So if you want me to do one for a certain song, then just comment or DM me. There all gonna be from the guys' point of view. ))

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"The way you held me, I wish that I put you first."

(A/N: This is gonna be just a flashback and a little part to end it.)


"Y/N," Luke whined hugging you from behind. "Luke," You replied mimicking him. "I'm hungry!!!" Luke said. "I'm making food, penguin!" You reply laughing and continue to stir the spaghetti sauce for the spaghetti bologna. "That looks really gooooood." Luke says. "Mmhmm." You reply, measuring out the garlic salt. "Just like yooooou," Luke says. "I think I just found some new song lyrics!" Luke exclaims, and he sways back and with you. You laugh and then stir the noodles. Luke pulls you away from the stove and twirls you around and you both slow dance in the kitchen. You hug him tight. You didn't want to let go of him. You loved him so much. Just then, the spaghetti noodles, boil over and you return to your cooking.

*End of flashback*

What had he done wrong? Luke cradled his head in his hands. He loves Y/N so much. But he put his career first. "I wish that I put you first, Y/N." Luke mutters before tears begin spilling down his cheeks.

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"Flowers I should've bought, all the hours I lost,"

Michael pulled out his over stuffed wallet and put it on the counter. He decided he would clean it out he dumped it out and found a receipt for flowers. He didn't remember buying flowers. He turned it over and the familiar handwriting on the back surprised him. 'You should've bought me flowers.' The note read. Michael furrowed his eyebrows. It was Y/N's handwriting. They weren't dating anymore. He remembered the argument that ended their relationship. "You work wayyyyy to much! You never buy me flowers or chocolates or anything like that!" She had yelled. He rubbed his forehead. Michael had seen her around town a few times. Her lips were set in a frown, deeply into her beautiful face, and she seemed to be very upset. Was that because of him? He hadn't talked to her. He wasn't sure of what her reaction would be. Was he too late?

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"From all the letters that I've saved,"

Ashton began to clear out his closet and found a shoe box. He took the lid off and peered in. There were several pieces of lined and blank folded papers in there stacked. He pulled out one of them and unfolded it.

Dear Ashton,

I'm sorry. I can't see you anymore. Or even write to you! It's to complicated. You, me. I don't know. It's, unexplainable. I know you love me. I love you. I'll NEVER forget about you. Maybe. Maybe someday when we're older. When you find these letters, in a shoe box hidden behind luggage in you closet, we can be together again.

Until that time, Y/N Y/L/N

Ashton didn't know when he had started crying. He wiped his tears. He still loved Y/N. He rummaged through the notes, and found one with her email address. He pulled his laptop onto his lap and began typing furiously. Once he got to the email message his fingers fumbled, unsure. He finally tapped the send button with a feeling of nausea, and closed his computer.

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"I hope, you know, for you'd I sacrifice."

Calum laughed as he swung his hands intertwined with Y/Ns back and forth. She giggled. They were both taking a stroll in the park and it was fall. Y/N looked up and watched a leaf special down and onto Calum's head. She laughed again and pulled it off his head, and he scrunched his nose up. "Lets go to Starbucks," Calum suggested. Y/N groaned. "You and your Starbucks," She said in a scolding manner but was smiling. "Lets go," She said, when Calum bean to pout. They began to walk out of the park. They crossed the empty street. Suddenly, a car came onto the street. It was either Y/N or Calum. Calum pushed you out of the way, as the car hit his side. "CALUM!!!!" Y/Ns distressful cries were the last things he ever heard. He groaned, not enough energy to scream, and lay in a pool of his own blood. "Y/N," was the last thing he whispered, before his life was taken away from him.

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