He Asks You To Homecoming

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(( A/N Lol time for some feels. ))

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You walked into your science class and took a seat next to your lab partner, Luke. He was wearing lab goggles and pouring some chemical into a test tube. You put your backpack under the chair and grab your goggles. Luke had always been a nerdy kinda kid. He had glasses and didn't always dress the best, but sometimes, key word: sometimes, he did. You listen to Luke as he explains what chemicals he's putting in and what different reactions they give. Somewhere between carbon dioxide and putting the test tube up to the light so you could see the color changing, you leaned over Luke's shoulder. You leaned over a bit more to grab a test tube and poured a variety of chemicals in it, until you got it right with Luke's help. You cheer and hug Luke and he visibly stiffens. When the bell rings he comes up to you with a red rose, and holds it out to you. "Uh, do you wanna come to homecoming with me?" He asks, a hopeful expression on his face. You felt a bit bad, as you knew he had been rejected by a lot of girls, so you nodded and accepted the flower. "You won't regret it! I promise you, I'll clean up real nice, you'll see!" He says to you, and you smile and laugh.

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Michael Clifford, was known around the school as the "Bad-Ass" type, that slept with every girl. Except you. Literally. He slept with the nerds, the cheerleaders, the band geeks, if you had a vagina, his dick had probably been in it. His locker was right next to yours, so you saw him when he didn't ditch. You grabbed your math text book, and shut your locker. As soon as you closed it, you saw Michael leaning against his locker and looking at you. "Erm, hi?" You said to him. "Whatever," He said rolling his eyes. "Lets get this straight," He started. "I have no idea who you are, so will ya be my 'date'-" He made quotation marks with his fingers. "To homecoming?" He asked. Your heart fluttered, and you glanced at his eyebrow piercing. His face seemed to be getting a bit red, and you realized that he liked you. Hard to get Y/N, hard to get, you said to yourself. "Maybe" You said. Yes, you thought.

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You sat down with your lunch tray, next to one of your friends, Nathan (YES I MEAN NATHAN SYKES AHSNDJXJ) and put your headphones in. Nathan poked you and you both chatted for a bit before he switched his attention to his other friend Jay (MMHMM JAY McGUINESS Y'ALL). After a few minutes someone threw a paper airplane toward you and it landed right beside your hand. You took out your headphones and looked behind you to see a group of boys, which it probably came from. You picked it up and noticed a small note that said "OPEN ME" so you unfolded it. Inside it said "Dear Y/N, Will you go with me to homecoming? Baffled By Yo Beauty, Ashton Irwin" you gawked at the name. Ashton was one of the most popular guys in the entire school. Underneath the note was two small boxes labeled yes and no. You showed Nathan the note and he clapped you on the back and said "That's my girl," in his Gloucester accent. You laughed and grabbed a pencil, and shaded in the "YES" box. You folded it back up and aimed for Ashton's table.

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It was a week before homecoming and you were walking to your next class with a boy named Calum whom you sat next to. Oddly enough, the hall, normally bustling with students, teachers and energy, was really empty. You rounded a corner and there was a cluster of people holding a sign that said 'WILL.' You smiled at the people and they pointed at you. You both passed the library and there was another sign that said 'YOU' and the people pointed at you again. After passing the cafeteria, there was a third sign that said 'GO TO' The fourth sign said 'HOMECOMING' and the fifth sign said 'WITH ME' and the last sign said 'Y/N?' You turned to look at Calum who was on one knee with a white rose in his hand. "Will you come with me to homecoming, Y/N?" He asked. You nodded and Calum jumped up hugging you and picking you up and swinging you around.

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(( A/N: So were you ready for da feels or nahh? ))

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