You're Sick And He Takes Care Of You

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(( A/N: This was requested by @CakeMashtonLover so uh yeah. ))

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"Here, babe. I made you some soup." Luke says, and walks over to your bed. You raise an eyebrow, and Luke sighs in defeat. "I bought you some soup, and put it in a nice bowl." He corrects. "Thanks," You mutter and take the bowl from his hand. "How do you feel?" He asks. "Alright." You simply say, and shrug. "You look awful." He remarks, chuckling. "I'm sick, whats your excuse?" You retort. "Feisty." Luke says and wiggles his eyebrows, earning a laugh from you. "I don't like you anyways." You say, and take a spoonful of the egg drop soup. Luke clutches his chest and falls to his knees dramatically. He gasps for air, looking like a doofus, and reaches his hand out to you. "Tell me you love me." He rasps. "I love you." You giggle, and peck Luke on the lips. "Ewww sick germs!" Luke squeals and runs his hands over his mouth repeatedly and trips his way over to the bathroom.

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"Don't go to work today, you're sick, baby." Michael convinces you. "I have to." You argue, your head pounding like a drum. "Well you can't now." Michael says, looking guilty. "What'd you do, Clifford?" You groan. "I love you." He says, stalling. "I love you." You tell him, and cross your arms over your chest. "But get straight to the fucking point." "I already called your work and told them you can't come in." He says, and pats the space next to him, and pushes the hair off of his forehead. "Baby, I know you don't feel well." He coaxes and you tug Michael's shirt back on. "Can you turn the vaporizer on?" You ask him, and he rolls out of bed. You jump on to the bed, and pull the duvet over your freezing body. Once Michael has the vaporizer plugged in, he joins you and cuddles you. "Your freezing," He mutters, and plants his warm lips on your neck. "I'll take care of you, if you need anything tell me."

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"Stay the fuck down, and nobody gets hurt." Ashton says, deeply, threatening you from outside your room, with his hands positioned in a makeshift gun. You groan, and throw your hands up in defeat. "Can't even take a piss." You whine, and trudge back to your bed. "Well, if that's the case, then go before you wet the bed. My bed." Ashton continues in  his goofy army crawl. He stands up and pecks you on the lips. "How do you feel?" He asks, and soothingly rubs your arm. "I feel the same as before." You laugh, referring to five minutes ago, when he had asked you the same question. "I love you," He reminds you, wiggling his eyebrows.i "I love you too." You reply in a singsong voice. "Not let me go pee." You demand, and Ashton giggles. "Over and out."

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"Calum, I'm fine, I fucking swear!" You laugh. "No you're not! Lay the fuck down!!" Calum demands, and gently pushes your shoulders down. You give in, and flop onto the bed with a huff. You sniffle, and Calum smirks in a I-told-you-so way. "Come cuddle with me." You whine. "Let me get your medication." Calum chuckles and leaves the room. "Calum. Calum. Calum." You begin chanting. "Yeah?" He says, sticking his head into the doorway. "I can't find the remote." You pout, and Calum tosses it to you from its place on the media stands. "Thanks." You smiley sweetly, and Calum rolls his eyes. He comes back in to the room with three different pills in his hand and a glass of water. You sit up to take it, and you swallow the pills than wash it down with water. "Thanks." You mutter. "Come cuddle with me." You demand again, and Calum strips down to his boxers before joining you. He takes care of you for the rest of the day with Impractical Jokers playing in the background.

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