You Don't Know Who They Are

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(( A/N: Im doing a q & a so you can comment any q's. ))

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You slip into the Ladies' Room at the mall, and your eyes and mouth get immediately covered with a hand. You bite down on instinct, and you hear a groan then the hands being removed from your face. Four guys stand in front of you. One with bright red hair, another with a blond streak in his, one with a curly mop of brownish ginger hair, and one clutching his hand. You probably bit that one. They look kinda worried. "Who the hell do you think you are?" You spit out. They look at you surprised. "What?" You ask. "We're a band... from Australia." The one who you bit says, as if you should know. "Well that's, great!" You say sarcastically. "Would any of you care to explain, what you're doing in the LADIES' room?" You ask, and cross your arms. "We're hiding from our fans." The one with the blond streak says slowly. "Oh yea, 'cause there's a mob out there." You say, sarcasm dripping from your voice. Suddenly the one with the red hair steps toward you. "We have an album on ITUNES, preformed at the AMA'S and on THE ELLEN SHOW, and have written a book. Would you care to explain, who the hell are YOU?" He lectures you, walking closer with each achievement. "Mike, stop." The one who you bit says. 'Mike' steps back and puts his hands up, as if surrendering. "Sorry 'bout him, and this," The one you bit continues, gesturing to everything. "Its fine..." You began trailing off, since you didn't know his name. "Luke," He offers. "Luke." You say and almost smile. "Its not everyday that you run into MEN in the LADIES' room." You scoff. Luke explains how him and his band were being mobbed by their and and escaped to here. "Mmm," You say. "If I could get your number and you can call me when they leave..." Luke says looking at you hopefully. "Yea, whatever." You say, and you exchange digits.

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You toss your bag on to the wood porch that overlooked the ocean. You lay down on to the lounge chair and begin to watch four rowdy boys play a game of volleyball. Immediately your eyes are drawn to the one with flame coloured hair. He bends down laughing, and reveals several tattoos scattered over his body. You take in a sharp breath, and watch them play for a few more minutes. You lay your head back and close your eyes, feeling drowsy. A few moments later you feel something bump into you, and you sit up. It's a volleyball. You look up to see the one who you were watching, jogging toward you. You suck in a breath at the sight, of the sun reflecting off his tattoos. You try your best to look pissed. "This yours?" You ask, gesturing to the volleyball, an eyebrow raised. "Uh, yeah." He replies, scratching the back of his neck, awkwardly. Ooh, Australian. "Watch it next time, flame boy." You say flatly and throw the volleyball to him. He catches it, thrown off guard a bit. "You don't know who I am?" He stutters. "Nope." You say, popping the p. "I'm in a band, called 5 Seconds Of Summer." He says slowly. "Well that's just ducky!" You say, throwing your hands up in the air. "Hey, didn't you sing that underwear song?" You ask, a smirk playing on your lips. "Mmhmm." He replies, his face turning a light shade of red. You let out a laugh. "Well good luck shaping your career with that!" You laugh. "Michael, get your ass over here!" The tall blond one yells. "Don't fucking swear!" The guy with curly ginger hair yells at the blond one. Michael throws the volleyball toward him, the muscles in his arm contracting. "Michael, eh?" You say, and he nods. "What's your name?" He asks. "Y/N." You reply. "Y/N," Michael says, your name rolling off his tongue as if he was saying it for years. "So what made you dye your hair?" You ask. Michael leans back and let's out a laugh. He sits in the lounge chair next to you, and begins his story.

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You enter the video store, and the bell above you dings. "Hi, how are you?" A guy with curly gingerish brown hair asks. He's stacking DVDs on the counter in three piles. "Good, how are you?" You ask, being polite. "Great, thanks for asking." He says, smiling, revealing dimples in his cheeks. You smile back, as the door opens again and three snotty girls from your school enter, and shove past you, causing you to fall down. "Bitch," You mutter under your breath, as you grab your phone which had been in your hand. Speaking of hands, a hand in front of you, with ridiculously long fingers, asks for yours. You look up and see that it's the boy who was at the counter. His face is masked with concern, and the corners of his mouth are slightly turned downward. You accept his calloused yet gentle hand, and he pulls you up. "Thanks," You say, and brush your jeans off. "No problem." He chirps. You glare at the girls, who are making googly eyes at the boy, and whispering pointing to him. "You know them?" He asks, jerking his head slightly toward them. "Unfortunately." You reply, chuckling. "Do you need any help?" He asks. "No, I know what I came for." You reply. He giggles and shakes his head. "No I mean, getting back at them." He clarifies. Your eyes widen for a moment, then a smile begins playing on your lips. "Sure." You say shrugging. Twenty minutes later, you and the boy high five. You and him had chased the girls out, by telling them the fake meaning of the movies, and increasing the prices by a boat load. "What's your name?" The guy blurts out. "Y/N." You reply, feeling comfortable with him. "I'm Ashton," He replies, and sticks his hand out for you to shake.

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You walk into Target, with the hopes of finding a decent movie. You head to the electronics section, trying to find your way to the DVD's. "Hello, ma'am. I'm Herbert, and we have a special on the 5 Seconds Of Summer CD's. They come in four different colours. Red, blue, yellow, and white." You look up to see a brown eyed boy, talking to you. He's wearing a red shirt with khakis and a name tag, so you make the inference that he works at Target. You smile politely. He seems nervous. Maybe it's his first day. "You doing good, Herbert?" A boy with curly ginger hair comes over to you guys. "Yeah." Herbert says. "5 Seconds Of Summer, that's a good one." Ashley, you look at his name tag, says, than leaves. "No thank you, I'm not into that kind of music. Speaking of music, I was wondering if you have and Bring Me The Horizon or Sum41 albums?" You ask, and his face pales. "Uh, I think they're over, um, there." Herbert says pointing to a rack of baby diapers. "Actually, I'm pretty sure they're over there." He says, pointing to a display of decorative pillows. "Yeah?" You say. He shakes his head up and down, portraying one of the boys on the album he's holding. "Well by the looks of it, I think you're that one on the CD." You say, tapping him on the CD, and winking. "Really?" He manages to squeak out, and you laugh. "I'm also pretty sure, your name is not Herbert." You say, raising an eyebrow. "It's Calum." He says. "Calum." You repeat, and smile. Calum face palms. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that." His accent thickening. "You're only human." You remind him, and pluck a CD from his hand, and spin on the ball of your heel. You walk away wondering where that burst of energy came from.

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(( A/N: If you're confused about Hebert and Ashley, just go onto YouTube, and search '5 Seconds Of Summer Target,' or check out the video I put up with this chapter. It's not the exact one but its close. ))

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