He Tweets A Picture Of You

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(( A/N: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i left for a while because a) i had the flu for a week and b) i spent the weekend on vancouver island with family. if you live in duncan or nanimo then yo wassup hows da weather? ))

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You belly flop onto your bed, and pull out your phone and begin a follow spree on Twitter. Minutes later, you hear the door creak open, and Luke settles down next to you, composing a tweet. "Luke, a lot of people are asking you to do a follow spree," You inform him, following every one who retweeted the follow spree tweet. "I'll start now," He smiles, pecking your cheek, and tweets something else. "Let the madness begin," He breathes, and his thumbs flutter across the screen, following everyone. You both begin a contest to see who can reach their limit for the day first, even though you started before he did. Your fingers flew across the screen, and soon enough the pop up for the limit came up. "Fuck!" You yelled in frustration, then you realized that you had won the contest. Luke pouted, and several notifications of someone retweeting a tweet that you were mentioned in popped onto your screen. You clicked on it and saw a picture of you sprawled across the bed. "@Luke5SOS: Y/T/N is doing a follow spree. I shall join her."

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"Fuck, you little bitch!" You screamed at the screen, your thumbs dancing with the controller. "I will end you, cunt!" You rage, biting your lip in frustration. You hear Michael giggling and you roll your eyes. "Move left," He instructs and you obey, firing several shots. "Fuck yeah!" You cheer, and you shoot a glance at Michael. He had fallen off a see saw and broken his wrist, so he had a cast. "Are you doing good, baby?" You ask, switching guns. "Yup," He says popping the p. He was on his phone, with a smirk playing on his lips. You continue playing the game, with Michael piping in with tips. Your about to finish the mission, when you get shot. "Fuck!" You scream, slamming the controller on the coffee table. "I was so fucking close!" You yell, your elbows on your knees, cradling your head. You mutter profanities under your breath, and Michael slings his arm over your shoulders. You melt into him, and he gives you a few pointers, keeping his voice low. Your phone vibrates against your leg, and you see that Michael tweeted picture of you cradling your head in defeat. "@Michael5SOS: She lost, FATALLITY,"

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You slide the lasagna into the oven, with a smile on your face. You dust the flour off your hands, and untie your apron from your hips. An hour later, Ashton's home. The tables' set with the lasagna, salad and champagne. He sits down at the table, running his fingers through his hair, giving it a side swept look. "How was your day?" He asks, pouring you and him some champagne. "Boring, and yours," You reply, resting your chin in your hand. "It would've been better if you were there." He says cheekily and you giggle. Ashton hands you your glass, and he clinks it with yours, before intertwining his fingers with yours over the table. You down half the glass, and gingerly place it on the table. You and Ashton discuss the little things in life over dinner, and before the two of you know it, your on your second bottle of champagne. Your both giggling uncontrollably, feeling bubbly from the alcohol. Ashton whips out his phone and types something into it. Coincidentally, your phone vibrates, and you see that Ashton tweeted a picture of you giggling, your hand cradling your chin, with your glass in front of you. "@Ashton5SOS: Dinner with my girl,"

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You close your compact, and pull out your eyeliner. "Why do you spend so much time doing make up?" Calum whines, fiddling with your mascara. "Why do you spend so much time doing you hair?" You counter, giggling. Calum rolls his eyes, playfully, and twists open the mascara. He sets it back on the counter, and pulls out his phone. You wing your eyeliner, and Calum wraps his arms around your waist, kissing up your neck. "Calum," You giggle pushing his face, gently, away. "Baby," He pouts, kissing your cheek, making eye contact with you through the mirror. You twist around in his embrace, and peck him on the lips. You place your hands on his chest, pushing him away slightly. "Give me 10 minutes." You smirk pushing him out of the bathroom, and he grabs his phone, tripping his way out. Your phone vibrates, and you see that Calum took a video of the little scene you just had with him. The video ended with Calum squealing, "Did you hear that? I'm gonna get some!"

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(( A/N: I'm the literal queen of not updating, its not even funny. I wrote this preference in one sitting, even though I really wanted to read Project Daddy, so you should be hella proud of me. ima go read some halsey fanfics byeewe ))

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