He Does Your Makeup

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(( A/N: I got an idea for this by reading another preference on Instagram. If I wrote a fanfic, how many of you would read it? ))

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"What's this?" Luke asks picking up your blusher. You shrug, a smile playing on your lips. He turns it over and begins to read the back. His lips move as he reads the words on the label. "Blusher...?" He says looking up at you. You shrug again. He picks up an eyeshadow brush and swirls it in the pink powder. "Smile!" He says, and you laugh and smile. He swipes the product on in huge sweeping motions. "Like that?" He asks, and picks up a pot of pigment. He unscrews the lid and almost half of it explodes onto his lap. He looks down with an expression of awe on his face. He wipes it off of his lap, and takes your kabuki brush and tries to stick it in the pot.

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"You guys, I'm gonna try my best." Michael says to the camera, as you too were doing a TwitCam. He picks up a bottle of foundation and a sponge. "I've seen Y/N do this A LOT." Michael says. He unscrews the lid, and sets it on the table in front of you, and dabs some of the product onto the back of his hand. He shows the camera, spilling some onto the keyboard, and gently pats the product onto your skin using the sponge. He kisses your forehead once he's done. "Babe, you look sexy." He says, and picks up the powder. "I feel sexy." You say, as the comment explode with comments. He dusts the powder all over you face and picks up your blusher. "I think I'm doing it right!" Michael says, earning a laugh from you.

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'Trumpets' blared in the background as you set all your makeup on the coffee table. "Dayum!" Ashton says, at the sight of all your cosmetics. "I know 'Beauty is pain,' but no one ever says 'Beauty is, like, fucking a lot of it!" Ashton sputters. You laugh, and Ashton picks up your 'BH Cosmetics 120 Eyeshadow Pallet.' He opens it up and grabs a powder brush and selects the orange color. He streaks it all over your face and you try not to wince. Ashton makes a face, and tries to wipe off the color from your face. "Sweetie, I messed up," He says and takes the blue onto the brush. He streaks it over the orange and Ashton raises his eyebrows. "How do you even do it?" He asks, sticking his lip out in frustration.

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"Hand me the blue thingy." Calum says, inspecting your face. "This one?" You ask, holding up your blue liquid eyeliner. He nods and unscrews the top and swipes the brush on the back of his hand. He smudges it with his hand, and writes your name over it and draws a heart with an arrow around it. "'I've got your name tattooed in an arrow heart!'" Calum says. "Pun not intended," Calum adds in a goofy and low voice. He sets the brush on the edge of your eye, with precision, and pulls it down your face really quickly. Calum makes an impressed face and picks up your loose powder. He smothers your face with it. "Your paler than Michael!" He says and laughs.

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