You Go Ice Skating

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(( A/N: I like ice skating so hey, might as well make a preferenece about it. ))

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"Let go of me!" You laugh, at the frantic boy, scrambling to keep his balance, clinging on you. "Y/N, I'm gonna fall!" He pouts and stands upright. "No you won't." You reassure him, and take his calloused hands into yours. You begin to skate backwards, pulling Luke along. The rink was rather empty so you didn't have to worry about bumping into someone. His tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth whilst he matches his pace to yours. "Push back with one foot, then the other." You say softly to him. You let go of one of his hands and go to his side. "You can do it." You encourage him, and Luke somehow finds a way to trip and fall, pulling you down along with you. You can't help but laugh, and a few moments later Luke pushes a strand of hair out of your eyes, his cold finger tips leaving a shiver down your spine.

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Michael had recently learned to Ice Skate, and he liked to show it off. You skated a few paces ahead of him, to prove you were faster. The temperature decreased a little bit, as you drifted away from him "C'mere, I'm cold." Michael whined, and skated faster toward you, and you continued skating at your own pace. He grabbed your hips gently, and pulls you toward him, turning you to face him. He puts his hands in your back pockets. "You're freezing, baby." Michael mutters and tightens his grip on you, and you hug your arms. "Ohmigosh, OTP!" You hear a girl gush, and you glance sideways, as she points at you. She pulled out her phone and clicked a picture, and motioned to you two and her friend squealed and took a picture as well. "We should probably Ice Skate." You mumble, not making any attempt to move. "I'd rather cuddle."

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"I don't wanna get on the ice." You whine, to your best friend Ashton. "Aw, c'mon." Ashton encourages, as he steps onto the ice, and stretches his hands out for you to grab. "I'm gonna die today." You sigh, and take Ashton's hand, and shakily step onto the ice. "You can have my phone, when I die." You say seriously to Ashton, and he laughs. "Move." He demands after a few moments of you both just standing there, holding hands. You take a deep breath and pick up your foot, as if walking. "That's not how you ice skate, you aren't going to get anywhere." Ashton giggles, and pushes his hair off of his forehead. "Move one foot back and then the other." Ashton instructs, and he glides over to a wall, pulling you along. "Hold the wall with one hand," He says and gestures. He keeps your other hand in his.

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"Why did we even bother," You mutter, trying to learn how to ice skate on your own. Calum was no help, as he kept falling down every second. "Fucking 5 year olds are skating better than me." Calum complains, his face slightly flushed from the cold. "This is not how I imagined my death." Calum groans as he falls to the ice again. You laugh at his comment and help him up. "How did you imagine your death?" You ask. Calum looks thoughtful for a moment thinking. "Very heroic, thats for sure." He says and grins from ear to ear. "How heroic?" You follow up. "Like saving you, from dying." Calum says, and kisses you sweetly, but only for a moment. " Oh really?" You ask, smirking, and you bite your lip. "Wanna go home now?" Calum suggests, feeling the air in the room change. "Yeah," Is all you have to say before Calum whips around and begins to go toward the exit. Then he falls down.

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(( A/N: Why can't I marry Michael Clifford? ))

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