He Get's In An Accident

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(( A/N: I'm so bored rn like wtf is ma life omg. I'm tired af and stuff, so dont watch American Horror Story all night kids. ))

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You're awoken at 3 in the morning by your phone ringing. You patted around in the darkness for a moment before bringing your phone to your ear. "Hello?" You answered. "Uhm, Y/N, it's Michael." He said as soon as you spoke. "Mmmhmm." You replied, half asleep. "You're still at the studio right? Luke told me he was gonna crash at his one band members house. Whats his name? Calvin?" You continued, when Michael didn't reply. "Here's the thing," Michael began, drawing in a slow shaky breath. "When we were coming back from the studio, there was a drunk driver. Ashton's a really good driver, but the driver hit his car. Ashton and Luke were in the front, and that's were he hit. Ashton got out with a fractured arm, but Luke. Uhm, Luke's in the ICU." Michael's voice cracks at the end, and you immediately sober up from your drunken sleep. You hop up out of bed, disconnecting your phone from its charger. "What hospital?" You ask whilst pulling on a pair of jeans, and tugging one of Luke's jumpers over your head. Michael tells you the name of the hospital, and you grab your keys and shove on a pair of Converse. "I'll be there in, like, ten minutes." You tell Michael, and sprint out the door, and into the cold, merciless night.

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You sit patiently, waiting for Michael's FaceTime. You both had a fixed schedule of FaceTiming. No matter where Michael was and what time it was, he would always FaceTime you at 8:00 pm for you. So when it was 8:15, you began to grow annoyed. Michael was on tour, and it wasn't like you could see him everyday. After ten more minutes you picked up your phone and dialed Michael's number. You heard the line ringing, and you were about to put it down when someone answered on the other side. "Hello?" Someone croaked from the line, obviously in pain. "Michael?" You say, any traces of anger gone. "Y/N, baby." Michael whispers. "Are you okay?" You say, worried. "I don't know, I was walking down the street, and this car hit me and ran. I'm still on the street." Michael replies, being honest. "Sweetheart, please try and get onto the sidewalk, please." You can't help but sound desperate. "Wait." Michael mutters into the receiver. You hear him groan for a few minutes before he picks up his phone. "What do I do now?" Michael asks, helplessly. "Call Luke, or Ashton, or Calum. I bet their worried about you. Then call the police." You instruct him. "Y/N?" Michael says, before you hang up. "Yeah?" You answer. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." You reply, tears running down your face.

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"Ashton Irwin," You say breathlessly, to the nurse at the desk. She types into her computer, and furrows her eyebrows slightly, at a visitor this late. "I'm not supposed to let you in, but I'll let it slide." She says, noticing your panicked expression. "Room 22C, on the third floor." She tells you, and you basically sprint to the elevator. The trip up couldn't have been slower, despite how fast the hospital elevators worked. You rush past several rooms before stopping in front of Ashton's room. You stand there for a few moments before bringing your hand up, and knocking on the door. "Come in," Luke called out from the inside. He sounded genuinely exhausted. You rushed into the room and stopped when Ashton came into view. "Oh my god," You couldn't help it, but the words tumbled out of your mouth. He was sleeping in the bed, with an IV and something else dripping into him on one arm and three drips on the other. His face was ghastly pale, and there was a bandage on his neck. You buried your face into your hands as the tears began to spill over, and the lads quickly stood up to comfort you.

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Your phone rings and you pick it up. "Hello?" You answer. "Y/N?" Calum says anxiously, on the other line. "Aren't you supposed to be coming over?" You asked. "Well you know the corner store a few streets away from your place? I wanted to get you ice cream. So I went on my bike, and I was leaving, but I fell off my bike, and my ankle hurts REALLY bad." Calum says, his words muddled together. You can't help the giggle that throws itself out of your mouth. "Calum you idiot." You say laughing. "Babe." Calum whines and you can tell he's pouting. "Aw, I'm coming don't worry." You say, and grab your keys. "Don't move," You say, and laugh a bit. "Haha, very funny." Calum huffs. "Oh, babe, don't be that way." You say, and cover your mouth to prevent from laughing. "Just try to get to the side, so you don't get hit by a pedestrian." You say and press your lips together. "Can you not?" Calum sasses. "Calum the Sass Queen. Oh my gosh, I need to change your name in my contacts and put the bitchy ass emoji." You laugh, as you put your key into the ignition. "A normal girlfriend would be really upset, and possible crying." Calum says. "Ah, you see Hood, I'm not a normal girlfriend."

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(( A/N: You need to request mah so I can actually write something, okay? 

Love ya.

Muaaaah. ))

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