Someone Thinks You're A Couple Part 2

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(( A/N: i'm thinking of starting another fanfic? added that pic because he looks like the kinda person who always has elevator music in their head. the video i added is the best thing in the world ))  

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You rest your head on Michael's shoulder and watch the screen intently as Michael shifts the controls on the controller and makes his players move around. He quickly snakes his arm around your shoulders and moves the controller to the side, so he can hold you while playing. Luke groans as Michael makes another goal, and Calum cheers. Calum had put his money on Michael and Ashton on Luke. If Michael lost, then Calum would have to buy Ashton a box of beer, and vice versa. You had woken up early that day, and were feeling tired, so you were asleep before half-time. When you woke up, Michael's arms were wrapped around you while the smell of beer wafted around the room.You head was resting on his chest, and when he talked or laugh you could hear his voice vibrate deep in his chest. Luke was standing in the middle of the living room, exaggerating  scene while he staggered back and forth, drunkenly on his feet. When Michael saw that you were awake, he pulled away from you and smiled, pressing a sloppy kiss on your forehead. "Hey Clifford!" Luke slurred, pointing at Michael while swaying forward and losing his footing. "Stand up," The blonde boy demanded, while Calum and Ashton counted the beer bottles, and poured the remains of each into a cup and chugged it down. That's how drunk they were. Michael gently pushed you off of him and rose to his full height tripping his way towards Luke. "What?" Michael sneered, jabbing blindly towards his general direction. "I must confess," Luke's words were slow and emphasized. You sat up, crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned back into the couch, knowing you'd be 3 out of the 4 boys' designated driver. "What?" Michael repeated, almost falling over. "I-I," Luke began, steadying himself by putting his hands on Michael's shoulders. Michael copied him. You couldn't help but click a picture, I mean if you don't ship Muke than you probably ship Malum, and if you ship neither than there's something wrong with you. "You what?" Michael spat, obviously getting annoyed. "Your girl is hot." Luke gurgles, and your eyes widen. "Shut up." Michael scoffs, shoving Luke backwards. "I've liked her since the day I met her," He continues, swaying in every direction. "I lo-" He begins but Michael rears back and punches Luke square in the jaw.

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"Hey," Michael grins as he opens the door to his flat. "Hi," You say, exhaustively, your heels slinging lazily from your hands. After going home and changing, you had gone out with Calum, but before you had left, Michael invited you over to his house after the date. You follow him through the house, tossing your purse and keys onto the counter and then entering the living room. Michael leaned into the sofa's embrace while you plucked your studs out and joined Michael, leaning into his side, with your legs tucked under you. He throws his arm over your shoulder's, and the two of you sit in silence for a few moments. "How was the date?" He asked, resting your head on his shoulder. "Okay," You shrugged, while he placed his atop yours. "The food was horrible," You chuckled, your eyes drooping. "Yeah?" He asked, rubbing your arm comfortingly. "I don't think there'll be a second one," You yawn, curling up to him, and letting your head fall to his chest. Michael uses his free hand to pick the blanket off from the arm of the couch and lays it over both of your bodies'. "Where did you go?" He asked, turning his body towards you. "The new place near the mall," You answer, tracing the words on Michael's Destroyer Kiss shirt. "I went there with Luke when it opened, I should've warned you guys," Michael shrugs. A soft silence drapes over the room, and you slowly sway into slumber."I have some left overs," He says, then looks down at you and sees that you were asleep. He smiles to himself before standing up, his arm still around you. He hooks his arm under your knees and picks you up, walking to his room. You stir when he lays you down on his bed, but you leave your eyes closed, keeping a tight grip on his hand, and trying to pull you to him. "Not tonight, baby girl," He whispers, chuckling, as he pries your hand off of his. "I really like you," He murmurs, and presses a kiss to your forehead, the tips of his hair brushing yours, while you realize he thinks you're asleep. You feel a soft material spread over your body. A blanket. You hear his footsteps fade away, and when the door clicks, you shoot up, cover your mouth with your hands and squeal.

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"C'mon, Ash," You whine, as he shoves your feet off of his lap. "Hey, be nice to my girlfriend," Luke, your boyfriend of almost 2 years, says, a slight warning tone laced in his teasing voice. "Give me the Wii controller," He crouches over the two controllers, shooting a side glance. "I'll play Just Dance with you," You bargain, breaking out of Luke's side cuddle. "Join us, Luke!" Michael yells from the den, where he and Calum are playing Fifa. The only reason Luke had stayed back was because you were chatting with Ashton. He looks at you, and you nod your head. H e quickly stands up and bolts into the den, while Michael says to Calum, "If my name was Michael and your name was Michael, our ship name would be Michael." "No, it could be Mimi." Calum chirps. Ashton tosses you the controller, and you accept it. You begin dancing to a catchy Jamaican song, the two of you tripping over your own feet and laughing at each other. After an hour, you both collapse on the floor, sweat beading down your faces. While the two of you are both trying to catch your breath's he suddenly blurts out with, "I really like you." His red face turns even redder, and your eyes widen, your mouth forming a perfect 'o.' You fidget uncomfortably, opening and closing your mouth. "Ashton, you're really hot and all, and you're a great guy, but I-I don't think I like y-you in the same way. At least, not right now." You stammer, avoiding his gaze. "It's okay," He says, quickly, hurt flashing across his face. "I hope you understand," You say, meeting his hazel gaze. "I do, don't worry," He smiles gently, standing up and walking across the room to pick up his phone. "I don't even know why I said that," He shrugs.

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"Your family reunions are always interesting," You laugh, while you and Calum both walk through his empty flat, your heels snapping against the hardwood flooring. "At least this time, no one ended up falling into the wine coolers," He chuckled, removing his blazer, while you pulled on the hem of the elegant black dress you were wearing. It accentuated all of the right curves, and had a boat neck along with capped sleeves, and fell just a few inches above your knees. As you both fell back into his couch, you kicked off your heels, while he used the back of his toes to remove the black dress shoes he was wearing. "Your uncle is an amazing dancer," You giggle, drawing your legs underneath you, as you lay against the back of the couch. He rolls up the sleeves of his light pink button up, and undo's the top button. "I don't understand why we have to do it in a hall every year, instead of a barbecue," He titters, shaking his head. He tucks his arm under his head using it as a pillow, while you twirl a curl from your updo around your finger. The two of you chat about the reunion, since you had gone with Calum,  like every year. It was 4 a.m, when you realized he looked tired. The sky was still dark, letting you know that the day ahead would be cloudy. You yawn, and lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder. His arm flops onto your back, pulling you closer to him, while you look up at him, taking in his features, slurred by tiredness. His eyes lock with yours, and even sitting in the darkness, you saw how brightly they shone and glittered. His other hand comes to cup your chin, and his thumb traces the curve of your jawline, and circles to your lips. Your eyes flutter closed, as you anticipate his next move. In moments, his head dips down, and his lips catch yours, shooting thunderbolts of electricity and passion through every cell in your body. Too soon he pulls away, and rests his forehead against yours. "You and Ashton are only dating, right?" He mumbles, and you pull away, to look at him. "Yeah, why?" You question. "Because, I really like you," He mutters. "But why were you asking about Ashton?" "So I can do this." His hand is placed at the back of your neck, pulling you to him, and his lips crash into yours, again, moving against yours in perfect rhythm, vigorously.  

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(( A/N:  soooo my updating schedule was spit on by my mom, because i recently started school, and now i'm only allowed to use the computer on friday nights and on saturdays. i could try and upload on my phone, but it's a million times easier to do on the computer, but i'll try my best esPECIALLY SINCE WE'VE ALMOST HIT 12K ))

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