Authors Note

805 6 1

Holy fucking shit, we hit 10k views, I am freaking out, I am so happy.

Thank you guys so much, you're the only reason that I got these views, and I would like to hug everyone who's ever read my preferences, I am sending hugs and kisses to all of you beautiful people.

In honour of 10k, I'll be writing and posting preferences all night long, I am just really happy.

Yesterday was Seattle ROWYSO, and that was just such an amazing experience and I love the boys to death, they're my lone source of happiness, and I hope all of you are happy too.

I'll be taking requests here on wattpad and on my Twitter which is @p4stelmgc, as well as my Instagram @mikey.probs.

My mom said that I can get acrylic nails tomorrow, to celebrate, and this summer is shaping up to be amazing.

So let the night of updates begin!!!

Ilysfm <3

5 Seconds Of Summer PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now