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(( A/N: my dad wants me to go bed, but sleep is for the weak. ))

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I feel like Luke would just be the kind of guy to just hold your hand in public, and he'd get jealous really easily, and he would put his arm around your waist and kiss you, to let them know that your his. So, basically, in the beginning he'd be like shy, but then he'd remember that you're his girlfriend, and that he can touch you however he wants. He'd kiss you every now and then, and sometimes when you're around the paps, he'd put his hand on your lower back to guide you and let you know that he's right behind you, ready to catch you if you fall.

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Michael has admitted that he's really clingy, but I think that he wouldn't be really big on PDA. The closest thing you'd probably get would be him putting his hand on your back, or whispering in your ear, or maybe holding your hand for a minute. But then, he'd sort of get in these moods sometimes, where he can't get enough of you, and he puts his hand in you back pocket, and when you slap him away, he'd resort to your front pocket, and draw circles on your thigh, with his arm kind of slung around your shoulder while he kisses everywhere on your face, but your lips. 

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I'm pretty sure that Ashton would never let go of your hand. He would either have his arm hooked with yours, or swinging your arms back and forth like a little two year old, when he's not dragging you everywhere. And when he wouldn't be holding your hand, he would either be kissing you or meeting with fans. When he'd get jealous, he would immediately pull you away and take you into a secluded area, and kiss you passionately, and growl in your ear that you belong to him, and wOW WHAT HAVE I DONE. 

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Calum would be the biggest on PDA. He'd always have to be touching you, sometimes sexually, other times not. He would have to have his arms around you as you push the trolley around the grocery shop, and when you're out, his arm would be around your shoulders, and pulling and tugging on the ends of your hair, or his hand would be so low on your back, some people might even consider it your butt. And sometimes, he'll be holding your hand, but it's really cold outside, so he puts his hand, still holding yours, into his jumper pocket, with you cuddling up to him, because he's your ray of sunshine.

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(( A/N: Haven't done a short one in a while, so here ya goooo ))

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