You Get Stood Up By Someone Else

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((A/N: I am so slow at updating like wtf. ))

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"Can I take your order?" A waiter came up to you, a notepad in hand. "Not yet, I'm waiting for my date." You said politely, and he ran a hand through his quiff and brought his lipring in between his teeth before letting it go. "Alright, if you want to order just catch my attention." He says, looking you in the eye. You attempt a smile and nod, before looking out the window. The waiter made a few rounds, getting order from nearby tables, and stopping by to give you water twice. He was a gentleman. You waited for a bit longer, pulling your phone out to checking the time countinuesly. After about an hour, you accept the truth. You were stood up. The waiter came around again. "Would you like to order anything?" He asked, showing off his dimples. "Pizza." You grumbled. "I'm off in ten, you can come over and I'll order some pizza?" He offers. "Sure." You say, and you can't help but smile at the shy boy in front of you with a blush creeping across his cheeks.

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"Can I come over?" You ask sniffling. "Y/N, are you okay? You can come over. Tell me what happened when you get here." Your best friend Michael rushes out, you could practicualy see him tugging at the roots of his hair and scrambling around his flat, sorting everything out. "I need you." You whisper. "Y/N, get your ass over here," Michael says gently. 20 minutes later you knock on the door to his flat. Michael throws his door open and quickly stuffs his phone into his pocket, as you throw your arms around his neck. You sob into his shoulder, and kick off your heels, losing a few inches. "Come on," Michael urged you, and when you didn't let go of him, he picks you up bridal stule and leads you over to his bedroom. You hiccup and cuddle into Michaels chest. "Do you want to change?" Michael asks sitting you down on his bed. You nod, and he hands you his Jack Daniels shirt. You strip out of your clothes, and Michael turns around. You tug his shirt, his colonge lingering, and leap onto his bed. "Come cuddle with me." You quietly demand and Michael strips down to his boxers and lays down on his bed. "Closer." You whine. He shuffles a bit closer. You groan and pull his body to yours and he instictively wraps his arms around your waist. "Don't ever let go of me." You mumble, before slipping into slumber. "I won't, princess."

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"So you're gonna come over tomorrow right?" Your best friend Ashton asks you, over the phone. "Yeah, don't worry." You reassure him. "Oh yeah, how did your date go last night?" He brings up the dreaded topic. You twirl a strand of hair around your finger, and frown. "Uhm," You stall. "Y/N, he did not." Ashton says, his voice rising a bit. When you don't say anything Ashton grows hystericzal. "Y/N, you're kidding me right?" Ashton breathes. "He stood me up." You whisper, tears pricking your eyes. "Well then, I need to cme over right now." Ashton testifys. You let out a forces laugh. "Why?" You ask, wiping at your tears. "So we can cuddle, and I'll brag about how amazing my life is." Ashton huffs. "Yeah?" You say, sarcastically. "C'mon." Ashton whines. "Fine."

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"Hi beautiful, whats your name?" A stranger asks, taking a seat next to you, you move your head so you can study his face, whilst you wipe your tears away. You draw your knees up to your chest and sigh. "I'm ugly." You grumble. "Hi ugly, I'm Calum." He says, and puts his hand out to shake. "Y/N." You reply, and accept his hand. "Why are you sitting here by yourself?" He asks, gesturing to the park bench. "My date stood me up." You say, and wipe another tear from your eye, and turn your body to face Calum. "What about you?" You ask. "My date forgot about me." He says, with a sigh, and jerks his head toward a couple making out on a nearby bench, and you can't help but laugh at the irony. "That's my date." You manage, and soon Calum joins in.

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(( A/N: wtf ))

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