He Gets Jealous

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"How can I help you today?" The Starbucks bartender says, and he winks at you. Luke comes behind you and intertwines his fingers with yours, making it clear that you two are together. You laugh, and order your favourite drink. Luke squeezes your hand and wraps his arm around your waist, and kisses your temple, while glaring at the bartender. "And a name?" The bartender asks, scribbling on the cup. "Y/N." You chirp. "And you, sir?" The bartender directs at Luke, but Luke rolls his eyes and looks away. You order for him and the bartender asks for a name for him. You're about to open your mouth when Luke responds for you. "Y/N's boyfriend."

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A harmless game of spin the bottle never killed anyone, so when you're at the least to say tipsy, the boys take advantage of that. Ashton comes in with a beer bottle in hand, and wrenches the cap off. He's about to chug it down, but you snatch it from him and down the bottle without a breath of air. The boys cheer when you put the bottle down, along with their hook ups (other than you) and you smile. "Lets get down to business!" You slur. Michael had stayed sober that night, just for you, but you pushed a beer to his lips. "Just one." You pouted, and Michael went along for it. "Gather around." Calum said, and Luke begin herding everyone. Luke spins the bottle and ends up with Calums hook up, and a blush creeps on his lips once he pulls away. "My turn!" You squeal and make a move for the bottle. You twirl it and it lands on CAlum. "Michael won't mind." You say, and take a glance toward him. "Yeah," Michael shruggs it off, but even in your drunked state, you know he'll mind. You lean in, as does Calum, and just as you're about to kiss CAlum, Michael lifts you up bridal styles, and is leaving Ashtons house. "Bye boys!" You wave, and everyone waves back "You're jealous." You say to Michael in a sing-song voice. "No." He huffs.

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"You've got to be kidding me!!" You laugh, at Calum's story. "No, I'm not!" Calum laughs, and rubs his face. "You didn't dare do that!" You say, before you and Calum burst out laughing, just as Ashton walks in. The sight of him makes you laugh even harder, which makes Calum laugh even harder, and Calum winds up on the floor, and you start laughing even harder. "What the hell is going on?" Ashton mutters, and runs a hand through his curly locks. You and Calum finally stop laughing, and Calum picks himself up from the ground and climbs up back onto the couch. You shoot a glance at Calum the same time he does, and you double over in laughter again. "We have to go," Ashton mumbles, and takes your hand and leads you out of Calum's flat. You can tell something's up. "Hey, Ashton, what's up?" You ask softly, as you wait for the lift. "You were just. Its just that... You look like you would rather be with Calum." He says reluctantly, and rubs the back of his neck. "Ashton," You begin, and take his hands into yours. "I wanna be with you."

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"Hey sexy!" A guy stands in front of you. You sit up and scan the beach in front of you fo Calum. "Uhm, hi?" You say, unsure. "Why are you sitting by yourself?" He asks, and you cross your legs on the lounge chair. "Because my boyfriend went to get me ice cream." You say, and run a hand through your hair, and look off toward the direction that Calum had jogged to. "Thats not a very good boyfriend. Leaving you all alone." The stranger says and smirks. "He's a better boyfriend than you'll ever be." You remark, and Calum joins you with two ice cream cones, hes happily licking one. "Hey, whats up?" He asks, and hand you a cone. "I was about fuck this girl." The man says. Calums face falls, and he looks at you, with mix of pain and jealousy. "Calum, no he wasn't." You clarify, and look up at Calum. "Yes I was, c'mon princess." The man says and makes a move to grab your hand. But, Calum punches him square in the jaw.

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6/26/17 update: i found michael's nudes summer 2k16
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