He Dresses Your Kid Up For Halloween

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(( A/N: I got this idea from an Instagram post. ))

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"Y/N how does, Nathan look?" Luke calls out from the room over. You finish your makeup. You were going as Minnie Mouse. You walked into your, 8 month, sons bedroom and saw him crawling around in a penguin suit. it had little penguin legs, and a hood that was a penguin head that went over his head. You laughed and Nathan rocked back and forth on his knees. You picked him up and kissed his cheek. "Y/N, noooooo!" Luke said grabbing Nath from you arms. He wiped the red lipstick from his cheek, and cuddled your baby close to him. You took Nathan from him and went to your room with Luke trailing behind you. You put him on the bed, and give Luke his Mickey Mouse suit. "Go change!" You say laughing and you push Luke into the bathroom.

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"Y/N, why does my child look so damn cute?" Michael asks you. You laugh and look at your two year old daughter dressed in a Pikachu costume. You dab the red face paint in circles on her cheeks. He hugs your from behind and reaches out to Y/D/N and tugs on her Pikachu hood. Michael kisses your shoulder and goes up your neck. "Michael, last time we had fun we ended up with a daughter." You say, scolding him, and placing a hand on your 6 month bump. Another girl. He groans and moves to your side and picks up your daughter who squeals. "Daddy, stop!!" She says kicking her legs as Michael throws her up and catches her. He blows a raspberry on to her neck and she giggles, pushing away Michael's face. He flops back and closes his eyes, acting dead. "Mommy, did I kill daddy?" Your daughter turns to you, her eyes wide.

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"Dad, Mommy, I need help!" Your 7 year old son, Anthony, yells from his room. Ashton wraps his arm around your waist as your done with your hair. You were both going as The Mad Hatter, and Alice In Wonder Land. He dragged you along to Anthony's room and you saw him wearing his Power Rangers suit backwards. You and Ashton exchange an amused look. Ashton goes over to your son and helps him out of the suit. You ruffle your sons curly hair and you take the suit from Ashton, putting it on properly. Ashton kisses your sons forehead, then yours, and hands your son his mask, and candy bucket. You lace up your sons sneakers. "All done!" Your son says, slipping his mask on. He holds your hand and takes Ashton's and you both head out the door to go Trick Or Treating.

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"My beautiful little princess." Calum coos sweetly to your one month daughter. He slips on the crown and your daughter makes a face making him chuckle. You walk into your room done with your ghost makeup. Calum and Y/D/N were gonna go trick or treating while you stayed home giving out candy. Your daughter was dressed as a princess in a puffy pink dress, white shoes, and a sparkly crown. She stuck her finger in her mouth and tried pushing herself over. "Calum, babies don't normally start rolling over till their, like, 5 months." You say in awe. Your baby tries pushing her self, but when she fails, she begins to whine like her father. You laugh at their resemblance, and Calum glares at you. You kiss Calum on the cheek and your daughter. "My two princesses." You say smirking, while they leave the house.

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