Kickstarts Preference

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(( A/N: So this is NOT by The Wanted, its by Example. Actually The Wanted did a cover on this. But whatever. ))

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"You want me to come over, I've got an excuse."

"Okay, bye." Y/N said rather reluctantly and hung up. "Why'd you just turn her down?" Michael asks coming behind Luke. Luke shrugged. "I'm just tired." He says. Michael shoots Luke a look, and grabs himself a beer bottle. "Says the guy who's drinking Red Bull." Michael says jerking his head toward the can. "I finished it ages ago!" Luke says, throwing his hands up. Michael leans over and picks up the can and turns it in circular motions to see the contents. Sure enough, only a quarter of the drink is gone.

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"Kinda shocked, 'cause I never really had any doubts."

"What?" Calum sputters spilling his drink. You nod sadly. "I saw condoms in his bag when I was doing the washing." You finally collapse into to tears. "But you guys were so perfect together!" Calum says confused, sounding a bit defeated. Luke clenches and unclenches his fists. "Michael is gonna get his face pounded in." He says deeply. "No! Don'!" You yell, and Calum and Luke look at you in surprise. "I'll just. Leave." You say, and pack your own bag, with no condoms.

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"And the love kickstarts again,"

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"Y/N," Ashton begins, kneeling in front of you. "You know I love you, hell, the world knows it!" He says. You look down on him confused. "But every time I look at you," Ashton looks away, a bit embarrassed. He turns his hazel gaze back onto you. "I fall in love with you all over again." You blush and look away, but look back. "And the horrible times that we fight? One look at your angry face, and the love kickstarts again!" You smile, and Ashton removes a small box from his pocket. "Y/N, will you do me the honor, of growing old with you? Forever?" He asks and your eyes widen in shock at the HUGE diamond. "Is that even a question?" You say, and Ashton leaps up to hug you.

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"'Cause you're my princess and I don't wanna let you down,"

You watched, with an amused expression on your face, as Calum danced around with you 8 month daughter. He was singing 'Kickstarts' by Example. "You want me to come over, I've got an excuse. Might be holding your hand, but I'm holdin' it loose. Go to talk, then we choke, its like our necks in a noose. Avoid the obvious: we should be facing the truth." Your daughter giggles and claps her hands. Calum skips a few lines and heads to the middle of the rap. "'Cause you're my princess and I don't wanna let you down!" Calum suddenly drops your daughter, who lets out bloody murder, and catches her before she hits the ground. "I meant to do that." Calum says his face red.

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