You Catch Your Kid With Another Members Kid

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(( A/N: How many of you read my authors notes? I'm so fucking bored rn and my butt hurts lfjdjd. I had to make up names for two of them because they can't be Y/D/N coz they ain't yo child. ))

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"Where's Nathan?" Luke asks, as he comes home from work. "Him and Charlotte are upstairs working on algebra or something." You say, and kiss Luke on his dimple. "Alright. Charlotte is Michael's daughter, right?" He says jokingly, and you playfully push him while laughing. "I'm gonna go upstairs to change." He says, and kisses your cheek, his lips lingering. You continue doing the washing, with a smile plastered onto his face, and Luke comes down with an excited expression on his face. He hadn't changed into sweatpants like he normally did. "Babe, follow me." He whispers, as if someone could hear him. He pulls you up the stairs, and stops at the top. "You have to be silent, like you just put a baby who's having a bad day to sleep, and you don't want them to hear you." Luke warned, and silently started down the hallway to Nathan's room. You were confused but followed Luke anyways, hooking your hand into his pocket. He tapped his ear the pointed to the door. You softly pressed your ear against it, hearing muffled moans. You feel your eyes widen, and you meet Luke's eyes. "He's probably not a virgin." Luke whispered to you, almost silently. You nod your head, raising your eyebrows slightly at his blunt comment, and keep on listening. "Nathan," Charlotte moans, and your eyes widen even more. You take Luke's hand, and guide him away. "Give them privacy." You scold him.

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"Hi mum." Your daughter pipes up as she enters the kitchen with Luke's son Nathan. "Hi Mrs. Clifford." Nathan mumbles, his blue eyes catching yours for a moment. The boy who was shyer than his dad. "Hey, nice to see you Nathan." You say, finishing the dishes, and Y/D/N opens up the fridge before grabbing two Pepsi's and tossing one to Nathan. "We're gonna go upstairs and play Fifa." She tells you, just as Michael comes in. "Hi dad." Y/D/N says, and takes Nathan's hand and guides him away. "Where are they going?" Michael asks, and you wipe your hands on your jeans. He approaches you and pecks you on your lips. "Their going to play Fifa." You tell him once he pulls away, and rests his forehead on yours and wraps his arms around your waist. "Fifa?" He asks, raising his eyebrow. "Yeah." You say, and smile as you notice the familiar mischievous glint in his eyes. "When we were their age and you would come to my house, playing Fifa was the universal sign for 'Hey we're going upstairs to make out and possibly frickle frackle.'" Michael laughs. "What if they're just playing Fifa." You say, and laugh. "Well let's just check on them." Michael says and wiggles his eyebrows. You laugh and take his hand, quietly guiding him up the stairs. "I feel like we're 18 again." Michael whispers, almost inaudible, and you chuckle. You press a finger to your lips, as you near your daughters room. You pause then Michael scoots forward pressing his ear to the door. His eyes widen and he motions to you. You press your ear to the door, and sure enough your hear moaning. "Nathan, harder." You clasp a hand over your mouth, and Michael's lips curl into a smile.

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"Krillan is better than Vegeta!" You argue. You and Ashton finished watching a Dragon Ball Z marathon and were in the midst of an argument over who was better. "News flash, Krillan's dead!" Ashton countered. "Goku died like twice! How can you die twice?" You remark, just as your son Anthony comes in with Calum's daughter Arabella. "Oh my god, honestly. We've been over this a thousand times!" Ashton sighs. "Mum, Dad, since you're obviously busy, me and Arabella are going upstairs to go watch American Horror Story, since we were both born in the wrong generation." Anthony sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Irwin." Arabella says smiling sweetly. "Hi Arabella." You smile, as Ashton explains why Goku was reborn. "There's pizza in the kitchen." You tell Anthony and he nods before wrapping his arm around Arabella's waist and leaving. "Did you see that?" You whisper/shout to Ashton. "Yeah." Ashton replies, his eyes alight. "Do you think they're a thing?" You ask, and Ashton shrugs. "Wanna find out?" He says, cheekily, and smiles. "You mean, spy on him?" You ask. "Yeah, I mean he's our son. We should know where his dick has been." Ashton shrugs, and you giggle. "Okay, so let's go on an adventure." You say laughing. You turn the TV on to give the illusion that you and Ashton were downstairs. You quietly bound up the stairs, with Ashton behind you and you stop in front of Anthony's room. Honestly, the moans were loud enough to be heard at the top of the stair case because of echo, but hey. You were on an adventure. "They're either a thing, or friends with benefits." Ashton whispers. "Anthony, baby." Arabella moans, then Anthony grunts. "They're a thing."

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"Would you rather pull all of your armpit hairs out and make a hairbrush, or pull out all of you pubes and have to use it it as a toothbrush." You ask Calum grabbing the m&ms from the trail mix that he had made. "Not pubes, that would be painful." Calum says making a face. You take a raisin out from the bowl and feed it to Calum, as Y/D/N and Ashton's son Anthony come in. "Hey pumpkin." Calum greets his daughter with a warm smile. "Anthony, how's the football team going?" Calum smiled, easygoing as normal. "Great, thank you." Anthony smiles, revealing his lone dimple. "We're gonna go work on the science fair project." Y/D/N says. "We have some stuff in the basement, if you want it." You tell her but she shakes her head. "We have everything. We went to Target before this." Y/D/N says, and takes Anthony upstairs. "Would you ra-" Calum begins but you cut him off. "Calum, the science fair was two weeks ago." You say, and Calum's eyes widen. "You don't think they're... Do you?" You slowly nod and Calum shoves a handful of mix into his mouth. "Well, I'll be damned." He mutters standing up, you grab the bowl of trail mix and follow him with an amused expression. He silently creeps up the stairs, and stops in front of Y/D/N's room. He doesn't even have to press his ear to the door to head the muffled moans coming from inside. "Calum, you can't get mad. She'll find out." You whisper to him, and he nods, a pained expression worn on his face. You both return downstairs, and sit down at the couch. "Are you upset about it?" You ask him. "No, I just heard my daughter fuck someone, that's nasty!" Calum squeals.

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(( A/N: Calum is two I think we all know that. ))

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