You Wear His Clothes (Best Friends)

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(( A/N: my sister got an iphone 6+ fml ))

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You clear your throat, signifying to your best friend, that you were done changing. You and your mum had had a huge rift, so you were bunking in at Luke's house. Being in the enraged state you were in, you forgot to pack an overnight bag, and all the clothes you had at his place' weren't pyjamas. You mentally slapped yourself, and told yourself to bring pyjamas to his place. So, being the gentleman he was, he had let you borrow his Offspring t-shirt. He turned around, his eyes scanning down your body. The shirt fell just above your knees, and hung loosely off of your shoulders. "You look good," He grinned, hugging Pengy. You rolled your eyes, and sat down next to him. He had taken off his jeans and top, and wore a pair of sweatpants, that hung low on his hips, revealing his v-line. "Thanks," You muttered taking Pengy from his grasp, despite his protests. You rolled onto the corner of the bed, tugging the shirt, that was bunched awkwardly around your hips. "C'mere," He says, gripping your waist, and pulling you toward him. He spooned you, and rested his chin in the crook of you neck. "You look amazing in my clothes," He murmurs, and you blush, feeling awkward. Luke drifts to sleep, with his body curled around yours, and you place you hands over his, before drifting off.

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You had taken the clothes that you left at Michael's house for washing, so when you and Michael had a mini pool party, you had nothing to wear. You were soaking from head to toe, and the clothes you had come in were soaking as well, since Michael had shoved you into the water, fully clothed. It wasn't your fault that you pranked your best friend, by putting a fake spider in his beer. "Here," He said, pulling a plain black t-shirt out the closet, along with a pair of sweatpants. You threw your wet hair into a ponytail, after thanking Michael, and toweled yourself, even though you were still wearing your bathing suit. Michael left his room, to go tend to the lads, and you were left alone. You pulled the sweatpants up, and tied the drawstring, but despite your half- hearted attempts, they hung low on your hips. You tugged his shirt over your body, and since it made you look like a pregnant man, you tied it off with a hair tie, making it hug your sides. You left Michaels' room, and entered the kitchen, where the boys were sitting and drinking beer. You opened the fridge, and grabbed a Coke, just as Michael entered with four boxes of hot pizza in his arms. He slid them onto the table, before meeting your eyes. His eyes ran down your body, and he bit his lip before turning away. You sat down on one of the bar stools, confused. Did he not like how you looked in his clothes? He sat down, beside you, and handed you a slice of your favorite pizza. He leaned in, and his lips brushed against your ear. "You look amazing in my clothes,"

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Your best friend, Ashton, was currently in the shower, and you were itching to get out of your clothes. You pulled off your uniform, and pulled on a pair of leggings, before hunting around in your overnight bag for a t-shirt. You looked at the ground, and caught sight of the Join Us shirt he had peeled off of his body and tossed onto the floor. You grabbed the shirt, and tugged it over your head, admiring the way you looked in his shirt. You threw your hair up into a bun, before settling on his bed, with your laptop, beginning your maths homework. You shifted around, finally sitting criss cross, just as you heard the doorknob turn. Ashton entered his room, steam from his shower flooding out, behind him. He had a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, and it took all of your willpower, not to stare. He flipped his wet hair out of his eyes, and grabbed a pair of boxers, which he slid on under the towel, before removing his towel. He pulled on a pair of joggers, and flopped onto the bed, beside you. The humidity from his skin, mingled with yours, and you couldn't help but lean into him, slightly. "Whatcha doing?" He asked, flashing his signature dimpled smile. "Maths," You groaned, and took a furious jab at the enter button. He giggled, and rested his head on your knee. You rested one hand on his head, and absentmindedly stroked his curls, while using the other hand, to search up information, and write down notes. It was late, and you were both tired, so it was easy to understand that in under an hour, you were both cuddling and half asleep. "You look better than I do, in my clothes," He mumbles before closing his eyes, light snores escaping his mouth.

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You had come back from a family dinner with Calum, and were watching a movie at his place. You began to doze off, your head on his shoulder. "Y/N," He said, gently shaking you. You startled awake, and resisted the urge to wipe your eyes and get eyeliner everywhere. "Sorry Calum, I should probably go now anywa-" You begin, but you're cut off by him. "No! Stay, it's late anyways." He offers, smiling hopefully. You bite your lip and consider it for a moment. "I would, but I don't have any pyjamas." You say skeptically, tugging your dress down, as it was riding up. "You can borrow my shirt, and sleep in my bed, and I'll just crash on the couch. I don't really mind." He ranted, and you giggled at his nervousness. "It's okay, you can sleep with me," You say, and he blushes lightly. "Now, about that shirt," You say, shifting around uncomfortably in the dress. "Oh yeah," He quickly says, and stands up before peeling his black shirt off and handing it to you, revealing his toned stomach and tattoos. You've seen it all before, since you've known him since you were little, but you were seeing him in a different light, since the two of you had recently started dating. "Thanks," You mutter, and he leaves the living room, so you can take the dress off. You softly pad on the hardwood floors into Calum's bedroom, where he's putting another pillow into a pillow case. He tosses it onto the bed, and you notice that he changed out of his jeans and into joggers. He catches your eye, and gestures to the bed, which you hesitantly sit down onto, as he switches off the lights. He lays down, and you follow suit. He grips your waist and brings you closer to him. You wrap your arms around his neck, and bury your face into his bare chest, and he snuggles into you. Just before you fall asleep, you hear Calum say softly, "You look gorgeous in my shirt."

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(( A/N: Haiiii, so i started an ashton fanfic, in case you didn't know. its called cut, and ma best friend thats in romans mums car @LilyTuot is in it so ya. i might put roman in it too, but he cant find out, cos he'll kill me with his shattered phone. i need requests and thats about it. i have a vague idea of a luke fanfic, but if i start it, i know it'll be a trilogy so yeah. follow me on twitter @ p4stelmgc ohmigod speaking of michael, i cant believe he sprained his ankle! i literally demonstrated to my sister in Fred Meyers today how it happened, because same. ))

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