He Comes Home Early From Tour

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((A/N: A lot of my preferences are inspired by other ones, and there based off of them but never copied word for word. I just wanted to put that out there. ))

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You decided it was time to clean your bedroom. The entire house was kept clean, except you room. You emptied your closet out, and found one of Luke's shirts. You quickly peeled of your clothes and slipped on his shirt. You put your iPod on shuffle and Try Hard came on. You made four piles. Keep, throw away, Luke's clothes, and Luke's clothes that you now own. You folded your lounge wear that included Luke's shirts and put them onto the shelves in the closet. You hung up the rest of yours, and Luke's clothes, and put Lukes loungewear away. You then organized the bins on the ground that help your undergarments. After that you threw some of your shoes away, and sorted them on the rack on the bottom. You put the clothes you didn't want into garbage bags and tossed them outside the room. You made your bed, then sorted your vanity that still had a few of Luke's things on it. You dusted the pictures on the walls, and put your guitar on to the stand. You took your books off the bookshelf and sorted through them, and you came across an album Luke made for you before he left for tour. You smiled and put it on the shelf. You picked three handbags out of the whopping 27 you owned and you hung them up in the closet. After you picked up the few odd things, made your bed, and cleaned the nightstands you were done. Well, almost. You sifted through the dirty laundry sorting it into, whites, mediums, and darks. You smiled as Out Of My Limit came on. "Lets start over." You heard someone singing from the doorway. You leapt up when you saw it was Luke and jumped onto him wrapping your legs around his middle. "I've missed you so much." He mumbles into your hair. He kisses you softly and you bite his lip causing him to moan.

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You pulled on one of Michaels jumpers, black jeans, converse, and a beanie. You grab your phone and a few important card and leave the house. You get onto your bicycle and put your headphones in your ears. You pedal all the way to the small isolated park that not a lot of people knew about. You tied your bike to one of the racks and head to the fountain. You sit cross-legged in front of the fountain, and Good Girls comes on. You smile and sing along, whispering Michael's bits. You lay your head on the cold cement and watch the water fall sideways thinking how funny it looks. You remember the time that you and Mikey were trying to balance on the edge and you were holding hands. He had lost his balance falling into the water pulling you in. You wipe a tear that fell. You stand up and walk around on the edge 4 times then hop down. You grab a quarter from your pocket. "I hope Michael comes home soon." You say aloud and kiss the coin before tossing it. You close your eyes and hug yourself against the cold. After a moment just before you open your eyes you feel someone wrap their arms around you and whisper "Im back" into your ear. You turn around and see Michael and you hug him tight.

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You tie one of Ashton's bandanas around your wrist and bundle yourself in a cocoon of blankets. You walk around the house addressing everything. You were SO bored. "Oh hello trophy!" "Looking good baby Ashton!" You finally retire to the couch. You flip through the channels. Nothing. You take out your phone and scroll down Instagram and like a few posts. You see one of Ashton's pictures and you like it, wishing you could like it a million thousand times. You check your messages and see one from Ashton.

Little Drummer Boy: heyyyy how ya doin

Y/N: gooooood and u?

Little Dummer Boy: i misssss yooooouuuuuu

Y/N: just three more weeks.

Y/N: i missssssssssss youuuuuuuuuuuu moooooooorrrrrreeeeee

Little Drummer Boy: Luke has his head stuck in a chair. gtg byeee love you

With that you sighed and turned your phone off tossing it to the other couch. You turned on the tv putting it on Netflix. You picked TFIOS and grabbed a box of tissues and popcorn. You watched the movie and began crying at the sight of Ansel Engort in the wheelchair. You wept when they were at the fake funeral. You wept when Gus died. You wept when Hazel put the cigars on his coffin. You wept at the end. By that point, you were tired. You were about to go to sleep when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you breaking the cocoon. You looked up and saw Ashton. "Ashton!" You cried. You wrapped your arms around his torso, and you both shared a sweet kiss.

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You fell into bed after an exhausting day. You closed your eyes as you felt your head pound. "Ugh." You muttered. You grabbed some medicine from the table next to you and quickly put it in your mouth and downed a cup of water. The pill put your headache at ease a bit. You felt burning you changed into one of Calum's shirts and slipped under the covers again. You still were hot. You stuck one leg out of the covers then slipped both of your socks off. You were sill too hot to be comfortable. You threw the covers onto the ground and lay there. You rolled over off of the bed and lay there for a few minutes, but you were still hot. You adjusted the temperature in the room. You were still HOT. You decided to open the window. You pulled the curtains aside and cranked open the window. You let the curtains fall back and be pushed by the wind. It was a bit better. You lay on the bed exposed for a few minutes, and you decided the last effort you would make would be the balcony doors. You unlocked the doors and threw them open to see Calum standing there his hand poised in a knocking position. He was supposed to be on tour for another 2 weeks. "Calum!" You cried and snuggled into his warm body, finally cold. He wrapped his arms around you waist and held you tight as if he were trying to morph you guys together.

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(( A/N: How did you guys like this one? Sorry the Luke one is sooo long. I got a bit carried away with the cleaning. Oops. Please request! ))

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