He Comes Shopping With You For Feminine Products

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(( A/N: Some one direct messaged me and asked for this so yeah! ))

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You were standing in front of the shopping cart and Luke was behind you arms around either side of you steering it. "That way you!" You said pointing toward the movie section. You both picked out two movies and then assumed positions. "Um, Luke I have to get some stuff, so can you turn that way." You said nervously pointing toward the feminine care section. "Don't worry, babe, I can." He whispered against your neck. Luke pushed the cart, while you pointed to the products you wanted and he put them in the cart. "What about that one?" Luke said pointing to a package of 790 pads. Your jaw dropped at the sight of it. "Uh, no." You said, covering your mouth while laughing. Luke laughed and kissed your cheek, and you pointed to a much smaller package of them and he got them for you.

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"Y/N, can I sit in the cart?" Michael asks pouting, as soon as you get it. "Why?" You ask laughing. "So I can organize the junk and sit in it!" He says like its obvious. "Okay." You say and help him in, almost tipping the cart in the process. He sits with his knees bunched up and you push the cart. You ruffle his hair, while he talks about how he's beating someones ass in Pokemon. You take a right and head to the feminine care section. You grab some products and toss them into the cart. Michael stacks them and sits on one package, flattening them. You laugh, and take the package stuffing it in the back of the row. You throw another package at Michael which hits his head making you and him laugh.

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Ashton knows when it's your time of the month. It's creepy. So when it starts and you have barely enough products to get through the day, Ash takes you shopping. You get on his back and Ashton pushes the cart. You place kisses on his curly hair. Then you try to move forward and kiss his temple, then his cheek, then his jawline. He smiles at you and kisses our nose, practically running into a display of magazines. You laugh and Ashton swivels into the feminine care aisle at the right time. You toss a few products into the cart at the top height and the ones that you like. You see Ashton grab something off the shelf and see that it's a pack of condoms. You point to it and laugh and he sticks it under your stuff.

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You stroll into the drugstore holding hands with Calum and you grab a basket. You go to feminine care section, and Calum takes the basket from you. "I want that one." You say pointing to a package and Calum lifts you up and you grab it tossing it into the basket. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you into him and leaves soft kisses on your neck. Of course you were used to it! He did it all the time. You push his face away and he licks your hand and you laugh wiping it on his shirt. You grab a few more products before Calum picks you up bridal style and you take the basket and you put it on your stomach. Then you both head to the checkout.

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(( A/N: How did you guys like it? Good or nahh? ))

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