He Makes A Keek With You

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(( A/N: I'm in foreign country. Canada... ))

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"Y/N," Luke whines and you turn around. You're dressed in flannel pajama pants and a tank with your hair up in a bun. You were cooking some breakfast. Luke's holding up his phone and you know he's filming you. "What are you doing this time?" You ask him. "Making a keek." He replies. You roll your eyes and return back to your cooking. "Are you gonna actually upload this one?" You ask. He made a bunch but never uploaded them. He nodded. Luke showed what you were cooking and asked a bunch of questions which, you answered. "I have some top-secret news for you, what's it called, 5Saucers." You say and purse your lips together. "What is it?" Luke asks excitedly. You shake your head. Luke pouts and you throw your hands up in surrender laughing. "5 Seconds Of Summer," You begin. "Mmhmm," Luke replies. "They're gonna," You continue. "Mmhmm," Luke says, tapping his foot impatiently. "Wish they knew the top- secret news." You finish, laughing.

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"Y/N?" Michael asks, and you stick your head out from the duvet. To find a phone 6 inches away from your face. You let out a small scream and jump back. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" You say a bit pissed, and rub the sleep from your eyes. "Making a keek, duh." Michael says. He flops down onto the bed and turns the camera toward the two of you. "So guys, this is Y/N. Not sure if you've met her." Michael says. "Probably not, considering the 50 million keeks I've been in." You say laughing. "Oh yeah, she's my girlfriend." He adds. "That's why she's in my bed. Can you guess why?" He asks and wiggles his eyebrows, and you swat at him playfully. "So in all, she's pretty cool." Michael says glancing at you. "I know." You say flipping your hair off your shoulder and pulling the duvet back over your head.

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Ashton pulls out his phone and opens his keek app. "Another keek?" You ask and Ashton nods, laughing, and begins the keek. You hide from the cameras range, as you and Ashton weren't public yet. You sat in the guest room with the door closed. You were on your phone scrolling through twitter, when the house suddenly grew quiet. He's probably just showing them the pool, you think. You continue scrolling when the door creaks open you grab a pillow ready to attack whoever was there. You put your phone down out of fear, and you were shaking. As the burly figure came out, you began to scream and throw pillows. "ASHTON!!! BURGLAR!!!" You yelled. "Y/N! Stop its me!" Ashton says, laughing. "Oh." You say, noticing his phone still in Ashton's hand. "Is it still on?" You ask and Ashton nods. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend Y/N." He says and your jaw drops. Ashton chuckles, "I really like her, so be nice." He says and ends the keek.

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"Y/N made a bunch of food, 'cause Mum and Mali are coming over." Calum says and shows the food to his phone. "It's really good, I snuck some." He says grinning mischievously at you. "I noticed," You say and gesture to smoked salmon, which there's half of what you originally made. "Well it was really good." Calum says and turns the camera to face you two. "Y/N's gonna make cookies," Calum mumbles and he puts his chin in the crook of your neck. "Why didn't you make any salad?" He asks, confused. "You don't make friends with salad." You reply and he groans. "There you have it!" Calum says, his accent sticking out a bit. You laugh, and he wraps up his keek.

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