Late Night Food Cravings

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(( A/N: I might start a fanfic. Only if you guys want me to. ))

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You slip in to the car with Luke, ready to head to your parents house. You were nervous, as you knew they wouldn't like him. It was late and you fell asleep quickly, with Luke's hand tightly clutched in yours. You wake up and it's dark outside. You smile as you notice that Luke's fingers are still intertwined with yours. "Babe, I'm hungry," you mumble and rub the sleep from your eyes with your free hand. "We'll stop in a few minutes." Luke says, his voice thick with exhaustion. You look out the window and see a sign advertising Carl's Jr. "Luke, there's a Carl's Jr.!" You exclaim. "Do you wanna go there?" He asks looking at you for a moment. "Mmhmm," you reply. "Okay." Luke says, and turns off of the ramp, and onto the road to Carl's Jr.

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Michael comes home after a day of work. "Hey babe, you get the snacks for movie night?" You ask. Michael face palms and grabs his jacket and leaves the house. You laugh to your self and check the time, 8:30. You get busy with making the fort that you both always made for movie night. Michael comes back around 9. "You get the snacks?" You ask and Michael face palms again. "I went there and parked in the parking lot and forgot what I was doing there." Michael says and he rubs his face. "So, I came back." You laugh and hug him and he hugs you back. "Im sorry, Y/N." Michael mumbles into your hair. "It's fine," you mumble into his shirt. "We'll just go there, again. Together this time so you don't get off track." You reply with a chuckle.

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You situate yourself on Ashton and smack his face with the pillow. Ashton easily grabs your waist and lifts you off of him and smacks you with his pillow. You were both having a good 'ol pillow fight. "Y/N, I'm hungry!" Ashton says out of breath, from chasing you around the house. You check the time, 10:56 p.m. "What would be open at this time?" You wonder aloud, and Ashton smacks you with his pillow, causing you to topple over. You laugh and Ashton helps you up. "How about 7/11?" You ask, mentioning the closest gas station. Ashton makes a face. "I was thinking Olive Garden, but that's fine too."

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"Cuddle?" Calum asks for the millionth time. You open up your arms as Calum hugs you tight and tackles you to the ground, not letting go. You laugh and Calum buries his face in the crook of your neck. "I love you." Calum mumbles and you reply, "I love you more." Calum smiles onto your skin and sends shivers up your spine. "I love you most." Calum replies with a sigh. It was late at night and I think it's fair to say Calum was a kinda tipsy. "Y/N, I want those spicy thingys, that are like red and they're like circleyish." Calum says making weird hand motions. "Takis?" You ask and Calum nods. "Takis." He replies. "They're way too spicy for you." You say, fixing his hair. "But that's what I want!" Calum says stubbornly. "Okay, let's go see if we can find some." You say giving in and Calum cheers and you sigh.

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