Your Child's First Day Of School

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(( A/N: So, I'm reading After2 and Harry and Tessa just got together again, and whoa. Anna Todd is such a great writer. I think Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande really explains the entire series. ))

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You smooth your sons shirt done and adjust his backpack straps. You kneel in front of him. "Now, Nathan, you have to be a good boy, okay?" You say looking your son in his eyes. He has his fathers looks. "Yes mum," Nathan says, while nodding his head, and smiling. "Y/N, I'll drop him off." Luke says, coming behind you. You give your son a hug, and kiss the top of his head and stand up. Luke kisses your cheek, and hands your son his paper lunch bag, on which Luke sketched on. He passes you your two month daughter and she attempts to grab at him. Your daughter's a daddy's girl, but you're son was a mommy's boy. Luke sticks some stuff in his pockets and takes your sons hand, and leads him out of the house. As you coo to your daughter and watch out of the window, waiting for their departure, Luke pulls something out of his pocket and kneels in front of Nathan. He opens it, and squeezes the bottle. He begins quiffing up Nathan's hair. You chuckle to yourself and turn around, so you can feed your daughter.

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"And that, my friend, was my first day of school." Michael finishes, telling your daughter about his first day of school. You laughed along as he told the totally bizarre and exaggerated story, while bouncing Y/D/N on his knee. She looks up at Michael with big eyes. "Daddy, I don't wanna go to school!" She yells before bursting into tears. You look at Michael, scoldingly, and return to folding the laundry. "Babe, if you do, than mommy will get you a, erm, lolly." Michael bribes your daughter, and you face palm. Of course he was throwing you under the bus. Your daughter turns her cow eyes on to you. "You will?" Your daughter asks. "I guess I will." You say, and glare playfully at Michael. "I don't like that backpack." Y/D/N says, pointing at her Barbie backpack. Your jaw drops and you turn to Michael. "You heard her DADDY." You say smirking. Michael flips you the finger when your daughter bends down to pick up her backpack, and throw it across your bedroom. "Your egg." Michael mouths to you. "Your sperm." You mouth back. Michael promises that he'll get your daughter a new one the next day, if she uses this one today.

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Ashton's POV.

"Bye champ!" Ashton says, and high fives his son. "There's your class." Ashton says, and points to it, kneeling down, to be his sons height. "Bye dad!" Anthony calls out and waves and marches to his class, his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles backpack bouncing against his back. Ashton sighs, as he watches his son go up to his teacher and tell her something. Ashton stands up and looks at Luke, who's coaxing his shy son into the same class, and Calum daughter who's holding her fathers hand. "Come on Nathan, I promise it's not that bad." Ashton hears Luke say to his son, persuading him to actually step inside the classroom. Michael enters the classroom, earning stares due to his wild hair. "Don't get into trouble," He tells his daughter, and kisses the top of her head and he strolls out. Suddenly, Anthony runs out, and hugs Ashton's legs. "Bye daddy!" He says. Ashton smiles and pries him off and picks him up, and gives him a hug. "I love you." Anthony tells Ashton, as he squirms out of Ashton's grip.

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"You look amazing," Calum assures your daughter as he brushes through her dark curly hair. "Thank you, daddy." You daughter sweetly smiles at her father. You press your lips together, holding back a chuckle. "Sweetheart, are you ready?" You ask. Y/D/N nods her head, her curls bouncing. Calum quickly grabs a pink bow to match her tutu and uses it to tuck a few ringlets away from her face. "C'mere," You say and motion to your daughter to come to you. You tuck in her white shirt. "Don't spill anything on your shirt, and if you do, you have a spare pair of clothes in your backpack." You begin. "Daddy packed you some lunch, I think he made a peanut butter jelly sandwich," you glance at Calum and he nods. "Be a good girl, okay?" You look deeply into her chocolate brown eyes. She nods. Y/D/N definitely goes after her dad, who spoils her rotten. You plant a kiss on top of her head, and Calum picks her up. "You ready, princess?" Calum asks, grabbing her backpack from the floor. Your daughter throws her arms around Calums neck. "Mmmhmmm." She hums out.

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