Part 5 - Ortho with Callie

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You: "oh um, it was my ex but it's fine you don't need to worry about me" - you look down and nervous giggle.

Arizona: " okay but like I said I'm here if you need anything or want to talk. Have you spoken to Alex?"

You: " thank you it means a lot. No I haven't, I don't really know what to say to him. Haven't seen him since I was a kid"

Arizona: " i've worked for him sometime now, he acts hard but he cares deeply. He will want to give you your space and not bother you but I know he cares. Just take your time."

You: " I don't really remember him much. I'm going to find him when I finish"

Arizona: "Okay, I hope it goes well, I better go, I umm... I have some children to see" -she smiles and walks off.

You check on the postop patients again everything everything is okay.

You finish your shift and go to find Alex.

Alex: "Hi Y/N, how are you?"

You: " yeah I'm okay, can we talk if you have a few minutes?"

Alex: " yeah sure, let's go get some food downstairs and talk"

You get food and sit down.

You: "so umm.. To be honest I don't really know what to say, I knew you were here when I got accepted into the program and I thought that this could be a chance for us to get to know each other again, if you wanted that too?"

Alex: " yeah I'd like that Y/N"

You: " okay, well we will see each other at work and take it a day at a time"

Alex agrees, you leave to have a sleep in the on-call room as you need to be back with Callie soon.

You wake up and go to find Callie.

Callie: " thank you for monitoring my postop's last night Drew, how did it go?"

You: " they were all absolutely fine. How was your night?"

Callie: "It was great! Was nice to spend time as a three, and actually do something! Haven't been able to do that in so long! Anyway are you ready for Today, we've got a hip replacement scheduled and we are fitting a fancy new prosthetic leg for a veteran, exciting day!"

He spend the next few days helping the veteran with his new prosthetic leg and getting him walking again.

You have now finished ortho, it was exciting but you're looking forward to your next speciality which is paeds with Arizona.

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