Part 35 - You loose two kids

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You: "someone page Robbins now!"

Bokhee: "she's not responding doctor"

You: "page anyone, get anyone here!"

Bokhee: "no response doctor"

You: "I uh- what do I do? I um, I need to open him up".

You open him up and try every thing you can

Alex: "I'm here, what's happened?"

You: "time of death 10:02AM. I tried everything. He's 13, he's 13 and he's dead"

Alex: "you did everything right, there was nothing more you could have done"

You: "I'm just gonna go. See if I can actually save someone today"

Callie: "hey Drew, get over here, I could use some help"

You: "sure, what you got?"

Callie: "29 year old female with a broken femur and compartment syndrome in left leg. She fell whilst trying to help get some kids out"

You: "so we need to do a fasciotomy?"

Callie: "that's right, go ahead"
You do the fasciotomy and the patient is stable and has to wait for surgery.

You go to the ambulance bay to get the next incoming patient.

Nicole (paramedic): "12 year old female, we lost on the way, just need you to confirm it"

You: "you've got to be kidding me"
You check the patient

You: "time of death 10:38AM"

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