Part 113 - 20 weeks pregnant

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You are now 20 weeks pregnant.

The medication has helped and you've been feeling much better.

Arizona: "we should get April to give you another scan now. Would you want to find out the sex?"

You: "Yeah okay. Umm I'm not sure, do you want to know?"

Arizona: "I think I kind of want it to be a surprise. But what do you want?"

You: "I want it to be a surprise too"

Arizona: "Okay, I'll text April"

The next day April does your scan.

April: "okay, so I'm going to check the sex organs now so if you don't want to know then look away"

You both look away.

April: "okay you can look now"

You both look to the screen

April: "so everything looks great. You're doing well"

You: "everything's okay?"

April: "everything's perfect" she smiles

Arizona: "that's great!" She rubs your arm and grins at you.

April: "Have you two decided when your going to start telling people? You're starting to show now so it's going to to be harder to hide" she giggles

Arizona: "Y/N can we tell people now?"

You: "yeah I'm ready now"

Arizona grabs your face and leans into kiss you. She is so excited.

You: "I want to tell Jo and Alex first thought"

April's gets paged so she has to run off.

Arizona: "Okay, when do you want to tell them?"

You: "let's go now before I change my mind" you giggle.

Alex: "is everything okay? You paged us?"

You: "yeah we just have something to tell you both"

Jo: "okay what is it?"

You look to Arizona as if to get her to say it.

Arizona: "we're having a baby" she grins so big.

Alex: "what really? Arizona you're pregnant?"

You: "No I am" you turn to the side and pull your scrub top tight over your stomach so they can see your bump.

Jo: "oh my god. How did I not see that! Congratulations!" She hugs you both.

Alex: "wow. I'm in shock. I'm happy for you both" he hugs you both.

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