Part 20 - Kiss in the elevator

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A couple of weeks have passed and you haven't spoke to Arizona unless you've had to for work. You have no been on every specialty and get to choose where you want to go next. You choose paeds because it's your favourite but also because you want to be around Arizona.

Arizona: "are you on my service today?"

You: "yeah I am"

Arizona: "Okay um great" she says in a sarcastic grumpy tone. "Well you can stick with Alex today, and well umm page me if you need anything"

You: "oh yeah okay"

You watch her walk away.

You have a surgery on a baby with Alex and Jackson, they are reattaching a babies arm due to a csection that went wrong.

You spend the rest of the day on the paeds floor with Alex decorating for Halloween tomorrow.

You have just finished your shift and are now getting into the elevator.

You're at the back and Arizona walks in, she smiling and then notices you and her face drops slightly.

You: "hey"

Arizona smiles "hey", shes standing in front of you turned away from you, facing the door.
She takes a deep breath.

You: "Arizona"

She turns around and kisses you, pushing you into the wall. It's a passionate, fast pace kiss.
You unlock lips and she rests her forehead on yours, she goes to lean in again, but the doors open, she turns and walks off.

You watch her walk away.

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