Part 45 -Goodnight future wife

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Arizona: "wow..." she is starting to get her breath back.

You kiss her on the cheek and stand up.

You: "I'm gunna wash your hair then we'll get out"

Arizona: "okay" she sits up and smiles.

You get the shampoo and conditioner and wash her her, bringing the shower head over to wash it out.

You both get out and wrap a towel around yourself. Arizona puts her leg on whilst you go to plug in the hair dryer and sit on the bed.

Arizona walks out if the bathroom and you spread your legs and pat the bed between them.

You: "come sit in between my legs"

Arizona: "oh really" she says in a sexy voice and smirks.

You giggle "not that for Arizona. I'm gonna dry your hair"

Arizona: "ohhhhh, I'll do yours after"

She goes to sit in you legs and you dry her hair. You then switch so she can dry yours.

Arizona: "we should get into bed now, it's late and it's your birthday tomorrow" she says in a sweet caring tone.

You: "we'll watch a film until we fall asleep"

You place a kiss on her check and each get into bed. You flick though Netflix and pick a film.

Arizona: "goodnight future wife" she leans in a gives you a gentle loving kiss.

You: "that's going to take some getting used too"
you lie down on Arizona's chest watching the film until you both fall asleep.

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