Part 120&121 - Taking Leila home

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Three days later and you're ready to go home.

Jo: "so today's the day! Can I have one last cuddle before you go?"

Arizona: "yeah sure, here you go" she hands Leila to her.

Jo: "aww come here gorgeous girl" she says in a baby voice.

Jo holds her for a few minutes giving her kisses and cuddles.

Amelia walks in.

Amelia: "Hey guys. How are you doing? I'm sorry I haven't been in to see you yet, it's been crazy around here!"

You: "That's alright Amelia!"

Amelia: "Wow, she really is beautiful. Such big blue eyes!"

You: "Just like her mum" you turn and look at Arizona.

Arizona turns and smiles at you.

Jo: "Hey Amelia. Do you want a cuddle?"

Amelia: "Oh wow. Yeah please. If you don't mind?" She looks to you and Arizona and you both nod.

Jo hands Leila over and Amelia then sits down and rocks her in the chair.

Jo: "Okay, I best go. Let me know if you need anything. Love you" she gives you a kiss on the cheek and leaves.

Amelia: "okay, I have to give her back now before I steal her. She's too cute!" She passes her to Arizona. "Do you need any help getting everything to your car?"

Arizona: "oh yeah please. I'll put Leila in the car seat and if you could carry her out and the bag and I'll help get Y/N into the wheelchair and I'll push her out"

Amelia: "of course"

You get in the car and go home.

You get home and get inside.
Arizona gets Leila out of the car seat.

Arizona: "Babe, I think she's hungry. Do you want to feed her?"

You: "Yeah sure" she passes her to you and you begin to breastfeed her.

Arizona: "do you want me to get you anything?"

You: "could you get me some water please?"

Arizona: "yeah of course. I'll be right back"

She leaves you on the sofa and goes to get your water.

Arizona passes you the water.

You: "thank you" you start to cry.

Arizona: "what's up?" She sits down beside you.

You: "I'm umm I'm just hungry"

Arizona: "Okay, but why are you crying?"

You: "because I feel bad asking you to make me something"

Arizona: "oh babe. I don't mind. I'll get you whatever you need. You're just emotion, it's okay!"
She kisses your cheek "so what do you fancy?" She giggles.

You wipe your tears "a sandwich please"

Arizona: "Okay, I'll be right back"
She gets up and starts to walk away

You: "Arizona wait! Can you also get me a yoghurt please?"

Arizona: "of course" she giggles and turns around "I'll be two minutes"

She comes back through and you have just finished feeding Leila and you're now winding her.

Arizona: "here you go. You eat. I'll take Leila"

You: "Thanks"

Whilst you eat, Arizona winds Leila and changes her, then she puts her down for a sleep in the cot.
Arizona comes to sit down next to you and you are crying again.

Arizona: "Y/N what's wrong?"

You: "you put her in her cot" you turn to look at her. Arizona can see you're terrified.

Arizona: "Yes but it's okay. She's fine. I will keep checking on her. And look, you can see her on this monitor and it will alert us if it detects that she has stopped breathing. I know this is scary for you. And it's okay to be scared. But trust me, everything is okay. Come here, cuddle me"

You lean over into Arizona and she wraps her arms around you. Your head is on her chest and the sound of her heartbeat is calming you down. You both fall asleep and wake up to Leila crying an hour later. Arizona goes to get her and you feed her.

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