Part 34 - Huge incomming traumas

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Arizona: "yeah we need to move now"

You get up and Amelia comes over.

Amelia: "this has got to be a joke right?"

Arizona: "i uh-I"

You: "there's going to be a lot of kids isn't there?"

Arizona: "yeah" - she's in shock

You: "Arizona, take a second, pull yourself together and let's go"
You go to the pit.

April: "okay everyone! I need all hands on deck! Page everyone, even the ones who aren't on call. The ORs will fill up quick so most urgent cases need to go first. We need to triage patient and cancel all no emergent surgeries. It's going to be a long day!"

The tv is on in the ER...
"Three men walk into a middle school in Seattle and open fire. So far it's confirmed that there are at least 30 students and 6 members of staff who are injured"

Maggie: "Robbins, you take over here. This is James, age 12, GSW to the abdomen. Vitals and low and pulse is dropping"

Arizona: "Okay, I'm going to take him up to surgery, Drew you stay here and treat who you can"

You: "okay sure"

Arizona: "wait, he's coding! Drew get over here and start compressions. Push 1 of epi. Charge to 100, okay clear! Carry on compressions, charge again, clear! Come on James!"
You keep trying for 35 minutes.
Arizona: "time of death 9:21AM"

Owen: "Robbins, I need you to take this patient. Andrew, 13 years old, GSW to the shoulder, need to get him to surgery now to stop this bleeding"

Robbins: "okay, let's go Drew, I'm going to need you in with me"

You both scrub and get into the OR, you have got the bleeding under control and the rest should be straight forward.

Arizona's pager goes off 911. And a call is made to the OR requesting Arizona immediately.

Arizona: "Okay, I've got to go, you've got this"
She runs off.

You're about to finish when he becomes bradycardic. His heart stops and you start compressions and prepare to shock him.
You: "someone page Robbins now!"

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