Part 117-119 - Your first cuddle with Leila/ Sofia meets Leila

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You: "Now come here, cuddle me"

Arizona: "Okay" she climbs on the bed beside you and you fall asleep together.

In the morning you wake up before Arizona and stroke her hair, she then wakes up.

You: "morning"

Arizona: "morning. How do you feel?"

You: "I'm okay. Could you go check on Leila please?"

Arizona: "of course. I'll come see you later"

You: "Okay, make sure you tell them all her name so they use it when they talk to her"

Arizona: "I will"

She kisses you and leaves.

Just as Arizona walks out Jo comes in.

Jo: "Hey, I thought I'd come see you before I start. I was with your bubba yesterday and then I came to see you after my shift but you were sleeping. She is beautiful Y/N. I'm so proud of you!"

You: "Thanks Jo. I'm so glad she has you all. Alex was with her last night aswell. I just wish I could see her"

Jo: "you'll be able to soon! So has she got a name yet?"

You: "Yes she has. It's Leila Hope Drew Robbins"

Jo: "oh gosh. That's lovely. How did you come up with that?"

Just then Alex walks in.

Alex: "Hey Robbins told me her name. Leila, I love it. She definitely looks like a Leila. And you're going to be Drew-Robbins!?"

You giggle. "Yes I am"

Jo: "so where did the name come from? Who picked it?"

You: "well Arizona suggested Leila and I loved it. Hope is a name that is important to me. And I wanted her to have Robbins as her last name and then my last name in the middle"

Alex: "it really is a special name. I love it. And well done Y/N, you've done so well and have made such a beautiful baby"

You: "so do you know when I can see her?"

Alex: "well you can't move yet as you're still recovering but.." he turns to look at the door "Leila can come to you"

Arizona walks in pushing the cot

You: "what? No! She can't be here. She needs to be in the NICU"

Alex: "no, she's absolutely fine. She's been on oxygen since she was born but she doesn't need it. She still needs to stay here so we can keep an eye on her but there's no reason why she can't be in here with you. She's fine"

You: "But she was 7 weeks early!"

Arizona: "yeah but she's fine. She is quite big so it's really like she's 3-4 weeks early. She weighs 5 pounds and 5 ounces"

You: "oh wow, that is quite big for being that early"

Arizona: "yeah, but that's turned out to be a good thing. So, do you want to hold her?"

You: "oh my god, yes, yes, of course I do!"

Alex: "we will leave you two for a bit"

He kisses your forehead and then be leaves with jo.

Arizona: "Okay, here you go. Leila, meet your mummy"

She hands Leila to you and then sits on the bed next to you.

You: "oh my god, she's beautiful"

Arizona's: "she really is. I cannot believe you made her. You're amazing. Thank you for her"

She kisses you and then kisses Leila. Arizona cuddles up to you and you both just sit for a while enjoying Leila.

A little while later...
Callie: "Hey guys, just wanted to check to see how you're all doing?"

Arizona: "we're great, thank you callie"

Callie walks towards you.

Callie: "Oh wow. Look how beautiful she is. Sofia cannot wait to meet her"

You: "I know, she has been so excited"

Callie: "Would you mind if I bring her in later? Only if you're up for it?"

You: "of course. I'd love to see her"

Callie comes back a few hours later.

Callie: "Hey Y/N, Sofía is waiting round the corner with Alex. Is now a good time for her to come in?"

You: "of course, that's fine"

Callie goes to get Sofia. When Sofia walks in, it's clear she's nervous.

You: "Arizona can you take Leila?" You pass Leila to Arizona "Hey Sofia, you wanna come sit up here with me?"

Sofia: "yeah okay" she climbs up on the bed and cuddles into you.

Callie: "I'll leave you guys alone for a bit. Message me if you need me to come back" she leaves.

You: "what's up? You okay?" You stroke Sofia's cheek.

Sofia: "mumma told me that you are in pain. I was scared that you're hurt"

You: "Sofia, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm feeling so much better!"

Arizona: "Do you want to hold your sister?"

Sofia: "Yes!" Her face lights up and she sits up.

Arizona: "Okay here you go. Be gentle" she puts Leila in Sofia's arms.

You stroke Sofia's hair and with the other hand you help support Leila's neck. You're smiling looking down at them.

Arizona is sitting beside the bed just smiling and watching the three of you. She is so happy.
You can feel Arizona staring so you turn your head to look at her. You tilt your head and squint your eyes as if to ask her what's wrong.

Arizona: "I love you" she mouths.

You: "I love you" you mouth back.

She gets up and gives you a sweet short kiss.

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