Part 49 - Birthday Presents

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Arizona: "come on, let's dry off and open your presents" she says smiling at you, then swimming to the edge.

You: "okay!"

You both get out and dry off. The going to sit on the bed

Arizona: "this one is from Sofia" she grins and hands over an obviously child wrapped gift.

You: "aw really" you grin. You open it and it's a plate with her hand print on it, and she's drawn pictures of the three of you together. "Oh my god, this is so sweet. I love it. I can't wait to give her a big cuddle".

Arizona: "she'll be glad you like it. Here, this is from me".

You: "it's huge!" You open it and it's a massive canvas with a picture of the two of you at the beach yesterday. "What the, how did you get this?" You are amazed.

Arizona: "well I hired a photographer. I knew I was going to ask you to marry me and wanted to have some pictures of this weekend. He dropped them off whilst you were still asleep".

She hands over a small envelop which has some more pictures in it.

You: "oh my god, there are amazing. Thank you"

Arizona giggles "you want to go get some food, go to a bar? Or we could order in and have some wine here?"

You: "let's watch a movie with some wine and order in? Enjoy our last night"

Arizona: "sounds great"

You enjoy some wine and eat whilst watching a movie. You soon fall asleep cuddled up to Arizona.

In the morning...

You: "oh god did I fall asleep? It's morning?!"

Arizona giggles "yeah you did, we need to get going to the airport now".

You pack up your things and get dressed then head to the airport.

You land and have to go straight to the hospital as Arizona is needed in surgery.

You get to the hospital and Arizona gives you a sweet short passionate kiss "I'll come find you when I'm done in surgery" she runs off.

Jo walks over to you "hey Y/N, how was your birthday trip?"

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