Part 69-71 - You come back

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Arizona: "you're back?"

You: "yeah. I um, sorry for just showing up here. Do you want me to go?"

Arizona: "no of course not. This is your home. Come in"

You: "so how have you been? How's Sofia?"

Arizona: "yeah we're okay. How was it? How are you?"

You go and sit on the sofa.

You: "it was umm, it was hard. Having to talk about how I'm feeling and actually open up but it got a lot easier and I'm glad I did it. I now know that I can talk and I don't have to keep it all in"

Arizona: "im glad your feeling better" she lightly smiles and sits on the sofa with you.

You: "so before I left, you said that I wouldn't loose you. But it's been two months and I know I hurt you. So I guess I'm just trying to ask if I have lost you?"

Arizona: "I told you, you won't loose me, I meant that"

You: "I'm so sorry for how I treated you. I've dealt with my grief and I have processed what happened to me and I now know how to deal with that"

Arizona: "im glad you're better. You'll always have me"

You: "whilst I was there, I learn how to open up more and whilst doing that, all I wanted to do was talk to you. You're the one I want to share things with"

Arizona: "talk to me. You can tell me anything" she moves closer and push her hand on your knee.

You talk to her about the facility and have the past 2 months have been. You talk about Hope and her dad.

You: "I learnt that I may never get over the grief, and that's okay. But to help me, I should do things to remember Hope"

Arizona: "what would you like to do?"

You: "I think I want to visit her grave on her birthday every year, and I want to put a picture of her beside the bed"

Arizona: "that's a great idea. You have a picture of her?"

You: "yeah I do. Do you want to see it?"

Arizona: "I'd love to" she smiles at you

You take her upstairs into the bedroom and pull a folder out from underneath some clothes in a draw. You take the picture out and hand it to her.

Arizona: "oh Y/N, shes beautiful" her eyes are pooling with tears but she holds it in.

You: "I'm glad someone other than me knows she existed"

Arizona: "let's get a frame to put this in and we will do whatever else you need, when you need. She won't be forgotten"

You: "thank you" you turn to her and step in, giving her a sweet short passionate kiss.

You: "god I missed you so much"

Arizona: "i misses you too"

You: "okay, I'm going to go to the hospital. Want to come?"

Arizona; "you're going back already?"

You: "yes I'm ready, I just need to get my life back on track now"

Arizona: "Okay, I'll come with you" she kisses your cheek.

You and Arizona walk into the hospital and bump into Alex.

Alex: "what the hell is going on? Y/N are you okay?"

You: "yes Alex I'm fine"

Alex: "I haven't seen you for two months and Robbins wouldn't tell me anything other than you've gone to a facility to get help"

Arizona: "im sorry, i didn't think she'd want me to tell anyone. It's private"

Alex: "I'm her brother Robbins"

You: "Alex don't. I didn't want her to tell anyone. Come on let's go and talk"

Arizona: "I'll come find you later"

She goes to walk off but you grab her hand.

You: "no, you can come too"

The three of you go to an attendings lounge and lock the door.

You explain everything to Alex and Arizona stands beside you holding your hand.

Alex: "I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you"

You: "it's fine Alex. It's always going to be something I carry around with me but I'm okay now, really"

He comes over and hugs you.

You: "only you and Arizona know so I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone please"

Alex: "of course I won't. But if you ever need anything or want to talk, let me know"

You: "thanks Alex"
He leaves.

Arizona: "im so proud of you" she turns to you and holds both your hands.

You: "why?"

Arizona: "look how far you've come. You're amazing"

You kiss her cheek.
You: "let's go find Bailey"

Bailey: "dr Drew, how are you?"

You: "I'm okay Dr Bailey. Here's a letter from my therapist. I'm ready to come back, if that's okay with you?"

Bailey; "of course it is, start back tomorrow"

You: "thank you Dr Bailey"

Arizona: "that's great, so I get to work with you again tomorrow" she smiles big.

You: "yeah, I'm excited! I just need to go speak to some of the it interns quickly. I'll meet you in the car in 20 minutes?"

Arizona: "Okay" she smiles and leaves.

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