Part 92-94 - Arizona takes your interns for the day

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Time jump...

You are now in your residency and everything with Arizona is going perfectly.

Arizona was on a night shift last night and then went straight into a day shift today. You don't see her until about half way through your shift as she's been in back to back surgeries.

You are standing in the paeds corridor, checking a patients lab results when Arizona then walks up to you and gives you a hug.

Arizona: "hey how's your day been?"

You: "oh hey, it's been stressful. My interns are terrible. I was never that bad was I!?"

She giggles "no, you were one of the best interns I'd ever had"

You: "I'm sure I wasn't"

Arizona: "you were. I wouldn't stay it if it wasn't true"

You: "you have to say that because you're my fiancé"

Arizona: "oh stop it. You need to believe in yourself. Everyone else has said the same thing. You are one of the best interns this hospital as ever had. Anyway, it's not fiancé for much longer"

You: "mhmm, I know. Just 4 days to go"

Arizona: "I can't wait. You're going to be my wife" she is so excited and her smile is beaming.

You: "I can't wait either. But for us to be able to get married I need to be able to leave here and know that my interns won't kill anyone!"

Arizona: "let me take some for the day. Give me the worst ones and I'll see if I can sort them out a bit"

You: "god, this is why I'm marrying you, you're amazing"

She giggles "I know"

You: "so how's your day been? You must be tired from working all night too"

Arizona: "it was a busy night, and I was hoping for a quieter morning but I got pulled into an emergency surgery and then I had to take Karevs surgeries as he's got the flu. So yeah I'm tired, the only thing keeping me going is the idea of going home to bed with you tonight"

You giggle "I look forward to that. I better run. I'll send a few of my interns up to you in about an hour" you give her a little kiss and walk off.

Your texts between you and Arizona.
You: Hey, Hope the interns aren't driving you too crazy!?
Zona: I see what you mean now, they are hard work! You owe me for this!
You: Haha, do I?
Zona: Yes. Yes you do... I will take payment in the form of CHOCOLATE and a nice massage in bed tonight. My body aches :(
You: oh babe :( All that can be arranged ;) I'll meet you in the lobby at 8 xx

You go down to the lobby at 8 and Arizona isn't there. You wait half an hour and she doesn't show, so you then text her.

You: Hey babe, where are you?

She doesn't reply so you go looking for her.

Jo: "hey what's up?"

You: "I'm just looking for Arizona. Have you seen her?"

Jo: "I saw her about two hours ago, we were in surgery together. I don't think she had much else to do after that so not sure where she could be. Sorry"

You: "okay thanks, see you later"

You walk off and one of your interns that Arizona had today bumps into you because he isn't looking where he's going.

Levi: "oh sorry Dr Drew. I didn't see you"

He starts to walk off again.

You: "Glasses wait! Have you seen Robbins?"

Levi: "last I saw her she went into the oncall room over there. That was about an hour ago" he points behind you to show you.

You: "thank you"

You walk into the oncall room.

Arizona is fast asleep. You walk over and crouch down beside her. You gently brush her hair behind her ear and give her a kiss.

Arizona: "oh hey, what time is it?"

You: "it's 9:30"

Arizona: "oh god, I'm so sorry"

You: "don't be silly, it's fine. Come on, let's get you home sleepy head"

She gives you a kiss and she gets up. You walk to her car, you drive as she's tired.

You get home and she goes straight upstairs to bed. You get chocolate from the kitchen and get some moisturiser from the bathroom and go through to your room.

Arizona: "oh yum, thank you. The the moisturiser!? Are you really going to give me a massage?"

You: "of course I am"

Arizona: "are you sure? You don't have to"

You smile at her "Arizona, you're in pain. Plus I want to" you lift her T-shirt off.

She starts to kiss you, whilst kissing you unclip her bra and slide it off her arms.

You lay her down and then pull her trousers off. You carefully take her prosthetic and the socket off. You then roll her over so she's laying on her front. You sit straddling her bum. You put lotion on her back and start to massage her.

Arizona: "wow, you're so good at this"

You: "is it helping? Do you feel better?"

Arizona: "yeah it's so relaxing" she lets off a slight moan out of enjoyment but you can hear that she's tired.

You bend down and kiss her shoulder.

You: "good, just enjoy"

You massage her until she falls asleep, you think climb off her and lay beside her cuddling her, and you then put covers over the both of you and soon you fall asleep aswell.

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