Part 111&112 - 12 weeks pregnant

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You are now 12 weeks pregnant.

You have managed to hide it from everyone and you still haven't seen a OBGYN.

You have just come out of a 6 hour surgery with Arizona and you feel faint.

Arizona: "Come on. Let's go get something to eat from the cafeteria. See if that helps" she holds your hand and walks you down to the cafeteria.

April: "Hey guys, what's going on?"

She sits down beside you with a tuna salad. The smell of tuna has been making you so sick lately.

April: "Y/N are you okay? You look really pale"

You: "mhmm" you feel like you're about to be sick.

April: "are you sure you're okay?"

You put your head in your hands and try to hold yourself together.

Arizona: "it's umm - it's the tuna" she can see that you cannot handle the smell anymore.

April: "what do you mean?"

You get up and run to the bathroom.

April just stares at Arizona.

April: "she's not pregnant is she?"

Arizona: "she is"

April: "what? I didn't - what? Did you two - I'm sorry, I'm confused"

Arizona: "we got a donor. Y/N hasn't wanted to tell anyone yet"

April: "oh okay, that's amazing. Congratulations!" She hugs Arizona.

Arizona: "God I've wanted to tell you for so long" she is relieved. "But please don't tell anyone else"

April: "of course I won't. You have been to a OB though haven't you?"

Arizona: "No not yet. She hasn't wanted to. But she's nearly 13 weeks so she needs to go soon"

April: "well what if I give her a scan and run some blood?"

Arizona: "come on let's go find her. See if she'll do it"

They find you laying down in the residence lounge.

Arizona: "hey Y/N, how are you feeling?"

You notice April is with her.

You: "I'm umm , I'm fine"

April: "I know. I guessed"

You: "oh okay"

Arizona: "April can do a scan for us now quickly?"

You: "Arizona I don't want to yet"

April: "let's just start with a scan and go from there. Now that I know I may aswell do it, so no one else has to know yet"

Arizona: "please Y/N, you need a ultrasound. You're nearly 13 weeks"

You: "okay fine"

You get up off the sofa and go to walk but faint. Arizona catches you and lays you back down.
You wake up a minute later.

April: "okay, we need to get you in for a scan, to make sure everything's okay"

Arizona puts her arm around you and helps you walk to the patient room.

April goes to get the ultrasound machine.

You get into the gown and sit on the table.

You are visibly shaking.

Arizona: "Hey, what's going on?"

You: "Arizona, I'm just so scared. I don't want to do this"

Arizona: "it's okay, you can do it. And I'm here, you've got me"

You: "what if somethings wrong. What if I loose this baby like I lost Hope?"

Arizona: "you can't think like that. Let's just take it day by day, okay? Don't worry"

Just then April walks in. She puts jelly on your stomach and starts to look at the screen. Arizona looks at the screen and you turn away.

Arizona: "Hey, it's okay"

She reaches for your hand and kisses your forehead. You're still not looking at the screen.

April: "so here is the baby heartbeat" she smiles.

You turn your head to look at the screen. Your eyes pool with tears.

Arizona: "oh wow" she watches you looking at the screen and she's smiling.

April: "So you're 13 weeks tomorrow. Everything looks perfect. I did try to see if I could see the gender but it's too early for that. I'm going to take some blood and check your blood pressure"

Arizona: "Okay, thanks April"

April: "okay, so your blood pressure is a bit low, which is probably why you fainted. Just make sure you're eating and drinking right and go as easy as you can. I'll send your blood to the lab and let you know when I hear back. I'll leave you two now, page if you need anything"

You: "okay, thank you for this April"

She smiles and leaves.

Arizona: "that was amazing"

You: "yeah I can't believe it"

Arizona: "do you feel better?"

You: "I'm still scared but I'm going to try and not worry so much. And like you said, take it day by day"

Arizona: "you're amazing"

You: "I love you"

Arizona: "I love you too. Now come on, let's get you dressed"

The next day April pages you both to meet her.

Arizona: "April what's wrong? Is Y/N and the baby Okay?"

April: "Everything's fine with the baby. Y/N, youre fine but you're anaemic. So that combined with the low blood pressure is what's been making you feel faint"

You: "Okay thanks April. So I just get a prescription?"

April: "Yeah, here you go. There's also a prescription for anti-sickness tablets. I think they'll help you"

She hands it over and leaves.

Arizona: "okay so everything is good so far. Hopefully the medication will make you feel better"

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