Chapter 28

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For hours it seemed I was being tormented by my ex lover, this British fuck as well as a few other members of The Lost. I kind of started to doubt my savior's arrival, to be honest. Tears escaped from my tightly closed eyelids. At this point I wished Johnny would just off me. I wished the pain would end. I should've known better than to think they'd leave me alone. Better yet, I was stupid to get Trevor involved in this mess. My body ached. I felt weak and overwhelmed, as if I would explode at any minute.
"Would you quit your crying, you child?"
The she devil called from across the room. Unlike me, she wasn't bound to her doom.
I shot a glare at her from the corner of my eye. Why did she stay here? She could literally walk away at any minute. Underneath her free drugs and complimentary sex, she was risking reaching a destiny like me, on death row.
"So, why do you stay here? You know if Trevor chooses me they're just gonna off you."
I called out.
I saw the old woman smirk as she readjusted herself in the chair.
"Well dear, that's not going to happen. So I'm not that concerned."
I sighed. Maybe she had a point. Maybe he would choose her. I mean after all, that's his mother.
My thoughts were interrupted by the heavy outside door screeching on its hinges as heavy boots clunked against the lab floor.
Once again, Johnny towered over me, along with some other bikers.
"Well doll, we've all decided that maybe you aren't worth holding hostage. After all, Trevor hasn't even batted an eye it seems at your disappearance."
My stomach began to churn. Johnny continued.
"And since your beloved darling decided to kill off our chef, we no longer have the winning recipe. So why don't you give it to us?"
"You bet your sweet ass I will."
I grumbled.
Great. Trevor may have given up on me, maybe I was just another sex toy to him. Maybe he used me for the recipe as well. But there was no way I was giving that recipe to Johnny. Not after all he put me through.
"Actually doll, I think you will."
I felt a piercing sensation as my left shoulder went numb. I gasped and instinctively tried to grab the pained area, to no avail. I felt warm liquid traveling down my body throughout the pins and needles.
Johnny chuckled.
"You want to give it to us now?"
I remained silent and braced for the impact as one of Johnny's men pierced my stomach. Another pierced my knee.
"Were gonna play operation with you until we get that heart out, or until you give us the recipe that is."
Johnny's voice echoed as my head began to spin. I was being stabbed over and over. I felt the blood pooling out of my veins and onto the metal table. The men chuckled at my current state as I drifted in and out of consciousness.
"Shall I give it a try?"
Trevor's mom now towered over me, a knife in hand. I felt the tip glide across my left chest.
Well this is it. I'm sorry Trevor..
I felt the cold knife clash against my bare skin. I held my breath. It took a moment to realize that it did not pierce through. Confused, I opened one eye. I attempted to lift my head but I was too weak. I saw three figures standing at the door.
A familiar Canadian voice echoed throughout the lab.
Johnny threw his knife to the side and chuckled.
"Well I shouldn't have ever doubted you, Trevor. You're just in time for the fun."
"Let the kid go!"
I heard another familiar voice call out.
Johnny slowly stepped forward to the trio, unholstering his gun. The three remained ready to fire.
"You've already fucked my skank girlfriend, Trevor. You can't take my prized possession. And as you can see, she seems to be enjoying me quite well.
He motioned to my bloody, bare being. My face burned red with anger and embarrassment.
Trevor growled, attempting to step forward but was stopped quickly by the third figure.
"Aye T, chill out. We don't know what these bitches got up their sleeves."
Trevor wiggled in the man's grasp.
My head once again started to spin but I fought to remain conscious.
"So this is how we're gonna play, Trevor."
Johnny smirked, pulling his mother beside of him. I could tell Trevor's facial expression changed.
"So we will be nice and give you one, but the other dies. Choose wisely, buddy."
"Ah shit."
I heard Michael mumble.
"Oh Trevor, you wouldn't let these men hurt your darling old mother over this easy broad? I saw it all, son."
The English accent pierced my ears with the lies that were being told. I wriggled in my restraints, continuing to loose blood.
Trevor remained silent, lowering his weapon. By now the other bikers had stepped aside, preparing to be backup for whatever was about to go down.
At this rate, I was destined to be a goner.
I heard footsteps from behind. Johnny glanced back, but then made a full 180, keeping his grip tightened on Ms. Philips.
"I see we're bargaining broads up in this bitch. Can we play with this one too?"
Johnny's voice became vulnerable and full of emotion.
I forced my head to turn just enough to get a peripheral view. I couldn't believe what I just witnessed.
Ashley's body was hanging by the likes of this man.
The man was relatively tall, slim, gangster as hell and plastered in green.
"Sorry I'm late, homies. Had to take the back entrance if you know what I mean."
Gunshots echoed off the metal walls. I held my breath. I felt tugging at my restraints, and after a moment I was free. I slowly opened my eyes and wiggled my hands and feet out of the remains of the severed restraints. I attempted to sit up, but collapsed. Michael grabbed me under my arms and held me up against his chest. I blinked and saw Trevor holding Johnny by the neck. I glanced over to Ashley's body on the floor along with a few of Johnny's men, those who didn't flee at least.
The Franklin guy from our meeting and the unknown man stood upon them. I turned my gaze back to Trevor, who now had Johnny on the ground. Johnny attempted to get up, but instead was met with a combat boot to the skull. The sound was petrifying. Footsteps made me turn my attention back to Trevor's mother attempting to flee, in which she was restrained by Franklin.
Trevor screamed as he crushed the remains of Johnny's skull.
I felt Michael's grip tighten on me as I passed out..

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