Chapter 32

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Bryn's POV

Eight months have passed since the encounter with Johnny. My physical condition will likely never be as it was before, but at least I was no longer required to do those stupid exercises. Occasionally I will get aches and pains that the average painkiller can't treat, but luckily Wade has a farm of miracle flower right around the corner. I've noticed my period is not as predictable as previous, and it skips a lot, but that's probably because of stress.
I never struck Trevor to be that much of a worrywart until the incident. He has babied me going on almost a year, not wanting me to lift this or move like that. Ugh, I love it but at the same time it's kind of annoying. I miss having a sense of normality and freedom, although I am slowly getting it back.
Even making love with him is different. Don't get me wrong, it's fucking amazing, but he's just so..hesitant and careful. I know he doesn't want to hurt me but damn these scars have healed up.
About two weeks ago he finally decided to take his business by the reigns again. He brought me with him for the first few days, but finally with much protest he allowed me to stay behind with Wade or Ron watching the trailer from a distance.
I sighed, turning on the hot water of the shower. I moved the plunger to the drain and allowed the tub to fill up, mixing in some cannabis infused epsom salt. Trevor had gotten it for me for my birthday months back. He had also gotten me a car, although he has been reluctant to let me drive it. It's a nice little, light blue Rapid GT. God knows how much he spent on it, but it's better than the old Trevor who would kill someone in it, steal it and claim it as his. He has let me drive it to the store and back, which I am thankful for.
I slipped into the tub, throwing my towel up on the counter. I put on some meditation frequencies, something I just recently discovered, and allowed the relaxing thc to take me away. Something about it absorbing through soaking as opposed to inhaling or digesting, it just has a kick to it.
I heard the jangling of the front door lock and instinctively shot up. I relaxed when I heard the heavy footsteps of boots against the old flooring, followed by the smell of gasoline. Trevor peeped in the bathroom door, eyeing me up and down and biting his lip in approval. I playfully rolled my eyes and stood up, letting the water out and wrapping myself in the towel. Trevor grabbed a brush and led me to the bedroom, where he helped me sit on the bed. He began to brush my hair, making me blush.
"You know I'm capable of doing that, right?"
I hid my obvious smile. He chuckled.
"Yeah, but you're my princess, so."
This man, I swear. He knows how to make me blush. Crazy how this is the same man who kidnapped me and was willing to kill me.
He finished detangling my hair and helped me into some clothes I had laid out, just one of his old t shirts and some shorts. Trevor squeezed my hip as I pulled the shorts up, making me jump. I giggled, playfully smacking him.
"Well I'm guessing you had a good day at work."
He sighed, moving his neck to both sides until it produced a crack.
"Business as usual. People not wanting to pay. Daddy T having to take care of business."
"Hmm, maybe I should try not paying."
I joked, seeing the tomato illuminate from his face.
"Yeah well, you won't get chained up and beaten until you give me money. You'll just get this big boy in your ass until you scream enough to cover it."
Trevor motioned to his member, which was clearly awake by the imprint on his faded jeans. I already knew how my night was going to be.
"Oh, before we get started."
Trevor smirked, moving his hand up my leg. I could feel the excitement in my shorts.
"What, Trevor?"
I groaned, obviously in the mood to just get it on.
"Unrelated, but I've decided to have a party for your recovery. Its definitely something to celebrate, my love."
My eyebrows instinctively furrowed. A party? For me?
"Trevor, you don't have-"
"Ah shut up with that Bryn. You know once I get my mind set on something I have to do it. Especially if you're involved."
His dark brown eyes met my gaze, and the butterflies in my stomach felt as if I had fallen for him all over again. How could this man go from being the biggest prick to this soft little teddy bear?
I smiled, sighing.
"Damn you, T. Fine, but nothing big."
"Nothing big except the package your about to receive, got it."

(A/N: I know filler chapters are bleh but I have some juicy ideas coming up, stay tuned :))

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