Chapter 34

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Bryn's POV
Much to my protest, I accompanied Michael to the Templar Hotel. Not that I didn't appreciate him accommodating for me or anything like that, it's just I was kind of hoping this was all a nightmare. I was hoping I would wake up in Trevor's arms any minute now. I knew this wasn't the case though, I saw what I saw. How could he go from apparently wanting to propose to me to fucking his best friends wife? All in a matter of minutes. It is Trevor we are talking about though...
I just wanted to die. I wanted to just end all of this pain. I mean what did I have left? My parents are dead, Uncle Lester ditched me, and hell, without Trevor, I'm nothing. Just a waste of oxygen on the busy streets of Los Santos.
"Hey, Bryn. We're here."
Michael shook me out of my thoughts. I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt. I opened the door and slowly slid out of the car. Michael came around the car to meet me and we walked to check in. My phone would not quit buzzing, but I just ignored it.
"Yes, DeSanta please. Thanks."
Michael paid for the room and received the key. I followed him like a lost puppy to the elevator as he entered it and punched floor four. I leaned against the elevator walls, just wishing things hadn't gone south today. What the fuck was the party even for if he went and crashed it?
We were almost to our room when my phone buzzed again. Without even thinking, I scooped the hunk of glass out of my back pocket and threw it over the railing of the hotel. A faint thud could be heard as it reached its final destination. Michael just stared in awe, then continued on to the room, holding the key up to the door and swinging it wide open. That indescribable hotel scent immediately filled the air, something along the lines of cheap soap and shittily cleaned furniture polished to sell for 300 a night or more.
I shifted my way into the door, sitting down on the bed. It then dawned on me.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Why is there only one bed?"
"...Fuck. I'm sorry, just an old habit. I'll sleep on the floor."
"No, it's fine.."
I could tell he didn't mean any foul by it. After all, he had had a long day as well. I just knew it wasn't going to be the same as Trevor and I sharing a bed.
I motioned for Michael to sit beside me and he followed suit, rubbing his face with his hands. He ran his fingers through his business-like hair and glanced over at me. I remained silent, unsure of what to even talk about. I mean first of all I didn't really know him outside of the failure adoption, all I know is he was the cause of dad's death. But even then, why couldn't I bring myself to hold it against him? Furthermore, I'm still awestruck at the sight of Trevor cheating.
"What a day."
Michael broke the silence. I nodded in agreement, sighing.
"Yeah, I don't even know what to do now. Trevor's been my whole life for pretty much a year now. And now he's gone."
"I wouldn't go that far."
Michael stared out past the glass of the hotel balcony.
"Amanda has cheated on me..a lot. And until now we were together. Life's all a game of forgiving and forgetting, right?"
I shrugged, knowing I couldn't just magically unsee what I saw.
Michael continued.
"Caught her in bed with a tennis coach not too long ago. Frank and I followed the bastard and ripped what we thought was his house down. I shouldn't of did it but you know, that was my wife. And turns out it wasn't his house. Now Madrazo is on my ass about paying him back, and he means business."
Michael pulled up his shirt to reveal purple bruises along his rib cage. I winced at the sight. Michael chuckled.
"Yeah, I owe him a couple million, he's not playing around."
"Madrazo as in the guy who was accused of the gang but the witnesses came up missing?"
"Yep, that one."
I sighed, shaking my head.
"Michael, how are you gonna pay him back?"
Michael sighed, sliding off his suit jacket.
"I don't know, Bryn. I guess I need to make a phone call to an old buddy of mine and see if he has some work for me."
"I'm assuming you mean Lester, and I'm helping you."
Michael turned to me in awe.
"No, Bryn. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't get involved with a life of crime."
I shrugged.
"I don't have much of a life anymore. Besides, it's not my first heist. Cmon, let me help you plan it."
Michael sighed, then reluctantly agreed. I found a pen in one of the hotel drawers along with a notepad to comment on your stay. I flipped through the pages until I found an empty one. I ripped it out and got to work.
"Alright, tomorrow we're gonna send you to this jewelry store in town. You can scope out the place, take pictures of the cameras, security, all that good stuff. From there we will decide which route to take."
Michael nodded, looking at my scribbled outline.
"Damn, you were raised by Lester. But how are we going to take pictures without them getting suspicious?"
I smiled slowly.
"Lester has been working on these smart glasses. They're very discreet. I'm sure he'll let us give them a try."
Michael nodded, placing his chin onto his hands.
"Sounds good to me. I know Frank will help us with the getaway plan. We will need to hire a hacker and a vehicle specialist, but we have time."
Michael yawned, standing up.
"We need to get some sleep. The skank said she'd be out by 9 AM. She wasn't too happy with it but that's what she gets for cheating..multiple times. After she's done there we can go collect anything you may need and you can stay in the room we fixed up for you when, ya know."
"When you adopted me not knowing I was a hellion who was gonna run off and get kidnapped by your best friend?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
Michael chuckled.
"Thanks Michael, by the way."
I blurted out.
"No problem, Bryn. Listen, I know I caused your dads death and I'm sorry. I was a bad person. I was just trying to protect my family and I did not mean to put him in harms way, although we didn't see eye to eye. I was trying to off Trevor, but we see how that turned out."
I nodded, looking down and biting my lip. I wanted to hold it against him but I just couldn't..
"And I'm sorry for referring to you as a kid. It's just a habit because, well, my kids are older than you and they still act like fucking children. You're more than that. I think we're more alike than I once saw."
Michael walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Minutes later he came out in an undershirt and boxers. I felt my cheeks turn red as I caught myself staring. Luckily, he didn't notice. I don't know why I was being like's not like I liked him. I loved Trevor. Sure, Michael was a handsome older gentleman and compared to Trevor he had a good head on his shoulders. But damn, maybe my emotions are just overloaded right now.
Michael placed his clothes on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed.
I looked my outfit over, realizing I didn't really have much to take off. Michael noticed this, pulling off his shirt and tossing it to me.
"Here, wear this. I want you to be comfortable."
I grabbed the shirt and headed to the bathroom, trying my best to avoid making my gaze to his bare chest obvious. What the fuck was wrong with me? I closed the door and stripped down to my underwear, pulling Michael's shirt over me. It smelled of expensive cologne. It covered most of my bottom half, so I was happy with it. I shyly made my way out of the bathroom and slid into the bed.
"You sure you don't want me to sleep on the floor?"
Michael offered.
I rolled my eyes, motioning for him to get comfortable. He obeyed my signal.
"Goodnight, Mikey."
"Goodnight, Bryn."

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