Chapter 35

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Bryn's POV
I was awakened by the sunrise beaming through the glass of the balcony door. At first, it didn't register where I was. But then it hit me like a freight train. The reality of life. I reached over to check my phone, but realized it was no longer intact. I also noticed an arm draped around my lower stomach. I almost jumped when I came to the realization that it wasn't Trevor. Why the fuck did Michael put his arm around me?! I peered over my shoulder at the man, who appeared fast asleep. I sighed and shook it off, relaxing into his affection. It was kind of nice. I'm sure he was just dreaming of Amanda or something and it was his instinct.
I closed my eyes and began to doze off. I was finally letting sleep take over when I heard the buzz of Michael's phone, followed by the swift movement of his arm and groaning as he sat up. I pretended to still be asleep to avoid the awkward encounter.
"This is Michael."
He answered in a deep, handsome sleepy voice. I felt my heart skip a beat.
"Listen buddy, that's up to her. I mean what the fuck were you thinking? Gonna gush to me about how you wanna be a changed man and all that bullshit and then go sleep with not just some woman but my fucking wife! If I was her I'd run like hell."
I immediately realized who he was talking to, and the pain in my chest stabbed me once again. Worried that Michael would pick up on my faking, I pretended to roll over in my sleep, no longer in his gaze.
"She doesn't have a phone anymore, Trevor. And I'm not telling you where she's at. She will come to you when she's ready. You fucked up, you face the consequences."
The argument went on for what seemed like ages. I couldn't really make out what Trevor was saying, but he was getting louder on the receiver. Michael finally sighed, hanging up and returning his phone to the night stand. I heard him grab his clothes and head to the bathroom. I used this as my chance to "wake up," slowly slipping on yesterday's clothes. The rubbing of my jeans on my raw knees reminded me that once again, yesterday was real. I was buttoning my pants as Michael opened the bathroom door, causing me to instinctively jump. Michael stepped back, covering his eyes.
"Ah shit! I'm sorry, I didn't know you were up."
I relaxed at his sincerity, and sighed.
"No, it's fine. Sorry."
Michael sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. I scooted next to him as he checked his phone.
"Looks like Amanda is moved out for the most part. How about we get something to eat, grab whatever you need and we can go home and get settled? After that we can go talk to Lester about the heist."
I nodded, twirling my hair around my finger.
Michael stood up and offered me his hand. I gratefully took it. Such a gentleman.
We checked out and went down to the car, where he opened the door for me. I didn't understand why he was being so courteous but I appreciated it. We stopped at the Bean Machine coffee shop for breakfast, and ran to the store to get a few essential items that I didn't have. Michael offered to drive me to Trevor's to get my stuff but I didn't feel comfortable facing him yet. Michael paid for my items, much to my protest, and we headed back to Casa DeSanta.
"Home sweet home."
Michael joked as he pulled into the driveway. He got out and opened the door for me. I followed him into the mansion, carrying the few items I picked up.
"Looks like Jim and Tracy went with her."
Michael noted the emptiness of their rooms. I nodded, unsure of how to comfort his obvious hurt.
Michael stepped aside as I slowly opened the door to my room, stopping dead in my tracks at the sight.
It was demolished. All of my clothes and other valuables were gone. They weren't much but still...
The walls were plastered with what looked like red lipstick writing of "whore" and "bitch."
"Are you fucking serious?"
I could hear the rage in Michael's voice.
I forced a fake smile and turned to him in attempt to comfort both him and the rage growing inside of me.
"It's fine, really. I can clean this up. I'll just sleep on your couch for now, if that's fine."
"No hell no, this is not fine, Bryn!"
I jumped at the immediate rise in his voice.
"You deserve better after what you've been through by that piece of shit! Here, take my room. I'll sleep on the couch, and I'll get this cleaned up for you.
Michael motioned to his room, which was clearly the master bedroom at the obvious size difference. I didn't want to piss him off any further, so I submitted to his commands and placed my stuff onto his bed. Luckily I had picked up a few more outfits while out.
"Bryn, I'm sorry."
Michael sighed, walking into the room behind me.
"I didn't mean to snap like that, it's just been a long few days, ya know?"
I nodded, laughing it off to lighten the mood.
"Trust me, you're nothing compared to Trevor.
"I bet."
Michael chuckled a bit.
"That guys fucking nuts. Like a ticking time bomb with organs."
I nodded, and once again caught myself staring into Michael's eyes. I blinked after realizing and slowly moved my gaze but, was he staring as well?
"I'm gonna go hop in the shower. I'll let you shower as well and then we can head over to Lester's. Sound good?"
I nodded and he left the room. I started unpacking my toothbrush, soap and clothes. I sat them to the side and waited patiently for Michael to finish showering. Instinctively, I kept trying to check my phone for messages from Trevor. Maybe I should've answered..
My thoughts were eventually interrupted by Michael knocking on the door, slowly opening it. There he stood, wrapped in a towel, his hair a mess. His body was beautiful. A bit chubby but not too shabby. His arms were definitely on the muscular side, although you could tell retirement was setting in on him. His words knocked me out of my thoughts.
"Hey, showers ready."
He stated as he moved past me to his walk in closet. I quickly shot up, running to the bathroom with my supplies and locking the door. What the fuck has gotten into me? I turned the shower water on as I brushed my teeth. I threw my soap into the shower and hopped in. I scrubbed my face, attempting to rid myself of my fucked up thoughts. Michael is my friend, and I'm still not over Trevor. Why was I checking him out? Was it just a normal girl thing? Or was I just that fucked up? I mean, he killed my dad indirectly but I can't even blame him. I can't even bat an eye at it.
I finished washing up and turned the water off. I went to step out when I realized I forgot something. The towel.
I called, reaching my hand out of the curtain to unlock the door.
"Yeah? What's up?"
I heard footsteps nearing the bathroom. I felt butterflies in my stomach.
"Can you throw me my towel please? It's on your bed."
"Yeah sure. One second."
Michael disappeared for a moment, then I heard the footsteps reappear. The door slowly creaked open, and in came his hand with the towel. It was just out of my reach so I went to step out and grab it. All of a sudden my foot slipped. I closed my eyes, gasping and bracing for impact. However, I stopped mid air. I slowly opened my eyes to see Michael towering above me, his arms wrapped around my bare back. His face was beet red.
"Y-you okay?"
He asked, helping me balance myself and quickly removing his arms.
"Y-yeah. Thanks."
I nodded, blushing like a madman. I took the towel he gave me and quickly wrapped it around me. He stepped out for privacy as I quickly dried off, throwing on my clothes and running a brush through my hair. I stepped out and found him in the bedroom.
"You ready?"
He asked, standing up. He was obviously still flustered but trying to hide it, and honestly I was as well.
I nodded and followed him to the car. He once again played gentleman on the doors. I slid in and buckled up. He followed suit and we drove in silence to Lester's house.

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