Chapter 20

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I sat Trevor down on the couch, handed him a few beers and took a seat beside him. I had already made dinner, cleaned the kitchen from dinner, and caught up the laundry. There was no more putting it off. I sighed and took a seat beside of him.
"What's wrong with you?"
Trevor grunted, popping the cap off of his beer. The cap hit the wall with a thud.
"Well, Trevor, I need to talk to you about something."
Trevor immediately shot me a look of confusion, worry, and maybe hurt.
"I'm not leaving you Trevor, damn! Chill out."
I exclaimed annoyingly.
Trevor rolled his eyes and took a drink of his beer. He sighed, reaching over for my hand. I let him have it.
"'s just.."
"The past?"
I finished his sentence. He nodded, slowly burying his head in my shoulder. I pulled him close, rubbing his back and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
"Trevor, I was just wondering, well, the other day, you said something about a Lester?"
"Let me guess, you wanna see what he's about? You wanna fuck him?"
"No, Trevor!"
His jealousy was really getting on my nerves.
"Trevor, how do you know Lester?"
Trevor sighed, scratching his chin and kicking his feet up on the coffee table.
"Well, he's an old friend for sure. He was basically the brains of the operation."
I turned towards Trevor as he continued.
"Back in my prime days I had 3 good friends: Lester, Michael, and Brad. We were a pretty damn good heist crew..well, until about 2004."
Trevor paused for a moment, crossing his arms as if he was contemplating continuing his story.
"Well...we were in North Yankton, Ludendorff, to be exact. Right on the Canadian border, Brad's hometown."
Yep, he's not lying...
"We were robbing this bank safe hold. Tons of money, stacks and stacks of it..well, a security guard grabbed Mikey, and I shot him. Mikey said no deaths but hell he was holding him at gunpoint, not that it did any good.."
Trevor wiped a tear from his eye as he continued on.
"Well we made our way to the getaway driver...hell, I can't even remember his name, but he's dead now. I took the wheel, the car was struck by a train. Long story short, the cops caught up with us and Mikey was shot...dead. I swore I wouldn't leave him, b-but he wanted me to go on."
Trevor put his hands to his face and I pulled him in for a hug. He buried his face in my boobs as I rubbed his back. He slowly calmed down and continued on.
"Brad was shot too, but he's locked up in prison. He keeps wanting me to join him, turn myself in. Boy, they must've got to his mind. He would've never said that shit back in the day..."
I bit my lip as I let a tear escape from my eye. Trevor sighed.
"I've tried writing to him but recently I just haven't been able to, well, put my heart in it. He can't even have visitors, it's like he doesn't fucking exist anymore."
"Because he doesn't."
I blurted out, immediately regretting my decision. Trevor sat up and faced me, wide eyed.
"What the fuck did you just say?!"
"Trevor, Brad's dead. Michael's alive."
Trevor just stared at me, a deer in the headlights look frozen upon his face.
"T-that's impossible! How do you know?! You weren't there! I saw him, dead!"
"Brad wrote me in prison! He's not dead, Mikey is! Mikey's grave is in North Yankton, I can fucking prove it!"
"Trevor! Brad is fucking dead and I can prove it! Brad is my father!"
Once again, the glazed view danced upon Trevor's eyes. He froze. I thought he was going to stop responding.
Trevor looked me over, stared me in the eyes, studied me. He rubbed his arm tattoo. He looked around, then back at me. He remained mute.

Trevor Flashback:

"Alright boys, let's do this!"
Brad exclaimed as he finished pulling up his suit.
"It feels good not having to pay the walking stick a cut."
Michael laughed at his statement.
"Yeah, we're certainly changing things up this time."
Michael and Brad never got along, so I was happy to see them joking.
All of a sudden, I heard tiny footsteps pattering the kitchen floor behind me. I turned around as a little girl, petite, looking like the female, actually adorable, tiny clone of Brad came running up beside of me.
She smiled as she tugged on my hand. I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Mister, you wanna play hide and seek with me?"
"Now Brynleigh Rose, daddy and his friends have some important business to take care of. You go play with mommy for now, until Lester gets here so mommy can go to work."
"You mean Uncle Lester is coming over?!"
The little girl excitedly bounced around the corridor.
Brad couldn't help but laugh.
"Yes, sweetie, Uncle Lester is going to come watch you in a little bit. And I promise, daddy will play hide and seek with you when I get back."
"You promise?"
The little girl repeated.
Brad nodded, kneeling down to kiss the little girl on the cheek.
"I promise. I'll be back soon, sweetheart."
The little girl waved bye as we all walked out the door...
Bryn's POV
I was starting to get worried. I raised my hand up as if I was going to smack him, but quickly pulled away as he began to speak.
I slowly nodded..
"Y-you're..I-I slept with Brad's..."
"Yeah. I didn't know you two were that close."
"Yeah..I remember you're last name isn't De..whatever the fuck you said?"
Trevor questioned.
"No...well..yes and no."
I went on to explain the whole fake adoption situation, how Lester said I was too much to handle. How I lived at Michael's for like two days before getting held against my will by Johnny. Trevor listened intently. I could tell the whole thing was still a mindfuck for him.
All of a sudden he bolted up, practically running to his phone. He quickly dialed and screamed into the receiver.
"RON! I need a plane! We're going to North Yankton!"

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