Chapter 8

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Trevor's POV

After fucking ole Johnny's girl, I knew The Lost had something out for me. But that's okay though, because ole T don't play. Johnny is a bit more softhearted than I, to say the least. So the only logical thing to do was to kidnap his other girlfriend, right? Better yet, word on the streets is she knows that killer meth recipe The Lost has been making.
I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. Ron.
"What the fuck is it, Ron?"
"Oh, h-hey Trevor. Just wanted to let you know we have the girl."
I paused for a moment, chuckling at the success.
"That's great news, Ron! I might have to award you! I might give you a hug. Better yet, I might make love to you tonight. Wouldn't you like that, cowboy?"
There was a long silence.
"O-okay Trevor. See you in a bit."
The phone beeped and I put it away, walking to the fridge. Hmm let's see, beer, beer or beer? I guess I'm going to go with the beer! I grabbed a Pißwasser and downed it, followed by another one. Boy, was this about to be fun. I stumbled out the door and found my way to the truck, heading to the bar.
Oh boy, perfect timing. Looks like The Lost are in town. I made my way in the bar and immediately went up to the hot bartender.
"Hey, sweet cheeks, gimme the usual."
The lady rolled her eyes and scoffed, turning around to get my shot of whiskey.
"Okay, Trevor, but remember you still have an open tab from where you blacked out last time."
She sat the glass down and immediately it was gone.
I looked up to see a whole room staring at me.
"What, my dick isn't out so what're you staring at?"
I blurted out, stumbling forward a bit. Better not get too drunk. I want to remember this action.
Johnny got up from his table, stepping forward until we were eye to eye. I gave him a seemingly genuine smile.
"Hey baby cakes. Look at you looking all tough like you wanna beat my ass or something."
Johnnys expression didn't change. A pure look of hatred and disgust encompassed his face.
"Trevor, didn't I tell you to quit fucking my girlfriend?"
The room got silent.
"Which one?"
I blurted out.
"You know which one, Ashley. The other one I don't have to worry about you getting. She's not going anywhere."
"You wanna bet?"
Johnny raised his eyebrows as the door behind me swung open. I turned my eyes briefly to a familiar face.
"Johnny, she's g-"
Ashley stopped, looking me up and down. She froze.
I smiled.
"Oh, perfect timing doll face. Whatcha looking so hard for, you've seen it all."
"What the fuck did you do to Bryn?"
Johnny snapped, the genuine hurt in his voice arousing me.
"It's not my fault if she went willingly. Walked oh so gratefully into my arms."
I lied.
I felt the room begging to turn more tense. I guess this was perfect timing.
"Oh, and while you're at it, why don't you tell me that recipe you've been cooking?"
"What the fuck, Trevor?! I don't know it! Where the fuck is Bryn?!"
I smirked.
"Well I bet she knows it, and he knows it."
I pulled out my 9mm and pointed it directly at the chef, who froze in fear.
Johnny stepped forward and I squeezed the trigger. The man's lifeless body hit the table with a thud, like a stone sinking to the bottom of a river after being tossed by a young child.
Johnny looked back at the man, and immediately pulled out his gun.
"Enough, yall! Leave before I call the fucking cops!
The bartender shouted.
I slowly put my gun away and Johnny mimicked me.
"I'll be back for you."
I pivoted and made my way towards the door, dropping a wad of cash on the counter.
"There's my tab, darlin. Keep the change."

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