Chapter 6

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I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times. I could not see much. The room was dark and smelled of dirt and must, maybe decaying corpses too. I shivered at the thought. My head was pounding. My throat felt as if it had been ripped apart. I went to stand up, budging only an inch or two. I tried to pull my arm up, and then my other. I kicked my feet only to feel tightness around my ankles. I was bound to something. I sighed and rested my head against what I assumed was the wall.
Was this how I was really gonna die? What would dad do in this situation? Hell, he died at a robbery, was he really oh so great as Uncle Lester depicted him to be in those late night bedtime stories he would tell me? And Lester, maybe he was right. Maybe my "drug dealing" shenanigans were too much. What if I would've just been a "normal" niece to him? Would he have given me away to a man I barely know?  What about my job? How will I continue to run supplies for Johnny, assuming he's going to keep me? Hell, why does it even matter anymore? Look at the predicament I'm in. God knows if I will make it out alive.
A slight tapping sound arose from the other side of the room. I lifted my head and tried to focus my eyes, but darkness only peered back at me.
I croaked out, throat scratchy and dry. I felt as if I had swallowed a bowl of nails for breakfast, without any milk.
"Johnny? Babe?"
I called out again. Why was I calling for the man who put me here? The man who damn near choked me to death? I guess it's because he's all I have now. I thought about Mr. DeSanta and the new family back home. I'm sure they were starting to question my whereabouts. Maybe they would get Lester involved. Maybe he'd be able to trace my loca-shit. I had that turned off, didn't I? Either way the phone is toast now, and I'm definitely not in the lab anymore. Knowing The Lost, they probably trashed my car as well.
What seemed like hours passed. Maybe days. I was starving, sweaty, itching from the multiple insect bites I had received. My once faded jeans were tattered and wet.
"I guess this is it."
I muttered out loud. I lowered my head and closed my eyes, only to jump as the sound of a wooden door creaked open. Light illuminated the room. I squinted and blinked, my eyes trying to adjust. I tried to bring my hand up to my forehead, but the restraints brought me back into realization.
A figure headed towards me, slender and average height. Boots crunched under the dirt as the figure neared my location.
I rasped out, knowing damn well the figure didn't match his body type.
The figure stopped in front of me, bending down so we were eye level. The figure was definitely a woman, short messy bob cut with reddish toned hair. She wore a Lost jacket. I had never seen her around the club. She chuckled at my confusion.
"What's a kid like you doing fucking with my boyfriend?"
The unnamed woman questioned.
"The hell you talking about? He's my boyfriend!"
I snapped back, although an uneasy quiver tinged my stomach. Thinking about it, I didn't really know this man well. We were bar lovers who just took the one night stand a little further. We were meth partners. But we're we really, truly a thing?
The woman smacked me out of my daze, a scoff engulfing her wrinkled face. My cheek blazed and I instinctively went to hold it, to no avail.
"Listen here honey. You're just his side piece, probably to get back at me for fucking Trevor for meth. Which, let me tell you, was not a mistake."
She giggled at her comment, making me roll my eyes.
"Your precious Johnny is just using you for the supply. I'll give you this, kid. You're smarter than me when it comes to those computers, which makes it easier for you to get the material."
She stood up and lit a cigarette, coughing with the initial drag.
"Johnny's going to need you at a meeting in a few days. I'll come fetch you then. Don't go anywhere."
She smirked as she started to turn towards the door.
I spat out.
The woman sighed and turned towards me.
"What? You needy child."
"Where the hell am I? Who the hell are you? How long have I been here? Where the fuck is Johnny?"
I swallowed in attempt to wet my burning throat.
The lady smiled a crooked smile.
"You ask a lot of questions for someone in your predicament. If you must know, you're in one of our abandoned bunkers. I'm Ashley, nice to meet you, I guess. You've been here, hmm, I'd say going on two days. And Johnny, you mean my boyfriend? Yeah, he's getting the club ready for darling Trevor's arrival. Trevor's bound to show up any day now looking for that recipe."
"When can I get out of here? What about food? Water?"
She screamed.
"If it was up to me your annoying ass would be dead already. So sit here, starve or whatever, until someone comes for you."
I winced as her boot connected with my face, a warm liquid beginning to trickle down from my nose.
She swiftly turned around and walked out of the building, slamming the door behind her.

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