Chapter 30

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Bryn's POV

I opened my eyes to a beautiful, white, cloud like scenario. I immediately felt down my body. I could move. There was no pain. I looked myself over and did not see any stab marks. What the fuck? Was I dead?
I helplessly wailed his name, the mixture of emotions hitting me like a freight train. I heard a voice call back, but it wasn't his.
I quickly spun around to He looked as if he hadn't aged a day past his tragedy. He looked healthy and well, a little chubby but that's how I had seen him last, well last alive at least.
I stuttered, hesitantly moving towards him. Before I knew it my hesitation turned into a run and I jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me and brushed his fingers through my messy hair.
"It's okay, daddy's here."
I buried my face in his chest and let the ball of unsettled emotions take over. Dad just held me close and allowed me to cry it all out. I finally pulled away after what seemed like hours. I sniffled.
"So..I'm dead?"
Dad chuckled, shaking his head.
"No, sweetie. You're not dead. Just near death, but I'm sending you back. It's not your time yet."
I sighed, kind of relieved but disappointed at the same time.
"But dad, it's so..peaceful here. Can't I at least stay for a while? I've missed you..."
Dad cupped my face in his rough hands and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"I'll be here sweetie, you have to take care of those back home first."
Dad stopped for a moment, then chuckled.
"Rumor has it you ended up with my buddy Trevor."
I felt a pang in my chest. Surely he didn't know..all the details.
"Trevor is a good guy."
Dad spoke up.
"I know he's a little older and a bit fucked up in the head but aren't we all? Just by what I've saw you've changed him, Bryn. He really cares for you."
Dad motioned for a mirror like frame out of nowhere and in it pictured my poor Trevor, on the floor surrounded by his friends, obviously distraught.
My heart sank. I didn't want to worry him.
"I'll be here when you get back, you have some people back home you need to check on first."
Dad pulled me into an embrace and I greatly accepted. He kissed the top of my head and smiled.
"Love you sweetheart. I'm proud of you. I'll tell your mother all about this when I get back."
I felt tears escape my eyes, happy tears.
"I love you too, dad."

With that, dad left, and I woke up, again. This time the scenery was not as great. I heard the beeping of a heart monitor and felt the presence of multiple souls. I did not know how to feel right now, crazy? Relieved that dad approves of Trevor? Who knows.

I attempted to sit up, feeling a mixture of dizziness and discomfort. Probably from the pain med cocktail I immediately identified pumping through my veins. I reached out to Trevor, who was collapsed onto the floor. Wade eagerly bumped his shoulder in order to get his attention. He lifted his head and his eyes immediately lit up. He sprang forward like a slinky and carefully yet eagerly launched himself into my arms. I wrapped my unsteady ones around him and pulled him as close as I could to me, inhaling the beautiful smell of Trevor-gasoline and sweat. Maybe a little bit of blood as well.
Trevor's eyes were actually filled with tears as he cupped my face with one hand. He carefully leaned in and kissed me, my dry, cracked lips following suit.
"Okay yall two, get a fucking room before you start that shit damn!"
Lamar groaned.
I chuckled and pulled away. Trevor helped me get rested back in my hospital bed. I noticed the overwhelming amount of support present, even Uncle Lester was here. He hobbled up to me and took his turn at hugging me.
"Quit being so reckless, kid."
Is all he had to say. I accepted the advice.
Everyone took their turn examining me as if I was some good ass Impotent Rage cosplayer at a convention. Eventually, after the crowd died down and said their goodbyes, only Michael, Lester and Trevor remained. Franklin tried to stay but something about his aunt was trying to lock him out of the house or some shit.
I turned to Trevor and attempted to sit up again, only the pain meds wearing off this time.
"When can we go home?"
I eagerly asked. Trevor's eyes widened.
"Uh, well. One second."
He opened the hospital door and grabbed the nearest doctor, reinstating my question.
"You can't actually be serious."
The doctor chuckled, then realized that I was damn well not playing. He cleared his throat nervously and stared at my chart.
"Um..well, due to the multiple is recommended that you stay at least a minimum of three more nights."
He looked from me to Trevor and back.
"But it is apparent that that's not going to happen so let me gather some resources and I'll discharge you shortly.
I softly smiled up at Trevor, who squeezed my hand and returned the gesture.
I was ready to be home.

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