Chapter 44

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Bryn's POV

I worked on and off all night between the boys checking up on me and me having to stash away the phone, wasting battery life. I had downloaded a few programs from my dropbox onto the slow phone, luckily, when I was bored the other day. I started my hack into the wifi of the trailer park. Anybody's connection would work as long as it was strong enough. I skimmed through the possible connections, and settled on the one with the highest signal. I ran my program and typed some commands into the prompt box. The first few attempts failed.
Damn it...
I heard footsteps, and stowed the phone away once more. When they returned back outside I retrieved it again and went back to work. My battery was now on 43 percent. I had to work fast. What would Lester do at a time like this?
Definitely not call the police, although I could totally do that without service. That's a last resort. They ask too many questions.
However, hacking into the emergency towers isn't a bad idea...
I decided to abandon the wifi idea and try that. I opened my cable location program and got to typing.
After about 40 minutes I was able to break in. Hell yes!
My phone was about to die. If I made a call, it would likely take a lot of battery, and there's no guarantee of an answer. Plus, The Lost may overhear me or happen to walk in. I decided to send a text out with my location and a memo of "Help."
Short and simple.
I ensured my connection was good and switched back to the messaging app. I created a group message of my most trusted contacts that I luckily had backed up from my old phone which got thrown into the void. I quickly added Lester, Franklin, Michael, Trevor, Wade, Ron, and I even threw Jimmy in there.
I sent out my location with the message. I made sure my ringer was silenced and stashed the phone into the pillow case. These idiots would never figure it out. Johnny didn't hang out with the smartest people.
I sat back and sighed, my fingers aching from typing so much code on a small device, my stomach churned from lack of nutrition, I was thirsty and I needed to pee. It was just like the bunker all over again, except in a slightly more luxurious spot. Hopefully someone will be on their way soon..

Trevor's POV

I was awakened by my phone going off. What the fuck, Ron? Why this late? I'm gonna kill that fucker.
I sat up, my head pounding from the hangover as I snatched my phone up, prepared to dial Ron up and give him a piece of my mind. I stopped, however, as an unknown number appeared on my screen, with the words of "help" and a location. Could it be?
I quickly jumped up and pulled on my jeans, throwing on a ragged shirt. I slid my boots on and pulled out a laptop Lester had recently helped me set up. Before Frank came to get Bryn's car, I had Lester help me install a tracker on it. I'm surprised he agreed since he's so protective over that girl, but he also has access to it too and could cut it off at any time so. I loaded up the program Lester installed and tracked her car. The last signal was barely in Blaine County. Oh shit, it's probably her.
About that time I heard a knock at my door. I quickly ran to it and swung it open.
Before I could speak, Ron raised his hand.
"Wait, Trevor! Before you get mad, Wade and I just got this weird text from a random number. It looks like they're in Stab City. We think it may be Bryn."
"Hold on."
I pulled out my phone and made a group call.
I waited for everyone to answer.
"Hey guys, I think Bryn's in trouble. I'm gonna need backup."
"I gotchu, homie. On my way."
Franklin replied without question.
"Oh shit, I'm coming. I'll meet you guys at the location."
Michael stated, a worried tone in his voice.
If it was any other time I'd beat his ass for trying to make moves on my girl.
"It seems as if you're right. And my secondary tracker says the car is headed to Liberty City. I wonder if this is an act of the guys who went mute up there. Hmm, they did have some affiliation with The Lost, but that's besides the point. I'll try to hack into the audio of that number and see what's going on. You guys head that way. Go armed, expect the worst."
Lester sighed, hanging up.
I hung up the phone and threw it in my back pocket, grabbing my gun and ammo. I jumped in the truck along with Ron and Wade.
"Hold your asses, boys."
I called, speeding onto the dusty highway.
Don't worry darling. I'm coming to save you.

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