Chapter 21

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Ron dropped us off at the airfield. I thanked him as I climbed into the passenger seat. Trevor hopped in the front seat, threw a headset on, and started the plane. I questioned his ability to fly, but decided not to pursue it. After that conversation, and the fact that Trevor pretty much remained mute the whole commute here, I would not bat an eye at the chance of death. Leave it to me to not only fall for, but to sleep with my dads best friend! Honestly, it hasn't changed anything for me though. I still have the same bizarre feelings for him that I did before snooping through Lester's files.
The flight felt like it took forever. We finally landed on an old, frosted, flat-top building. Leave it to Trevor to perfectly land a whole sized plane in such tight quarters. The adrenaline rushed through my veins as I hopped out of the plane. Trevor helped me climb down the icy structure, and my feet instantly succumbed in a foot of snow. I shivered, remembering a little to late at how cold Ludendorff was. Trevor pulled me close as he pulled his arms out of his jacket sleeves and draped the jacket around the both of us. He grabbed a shovel he had threw on the ground from the plane's cargo port. We remained silent as we trudged through the winter storm.
I had never really gave it much thought until recently, but mom and I were never granted access to dad's grave. We assumed it was because of a "government investigation" or some shit, but now I realize it was just to cover up Davey's shady shit. Anxiety ate at my stomach as we approached a small graveyard. We stopped at a chipped up tombstone, almost fully covered in fluffy white snow. I got on my knees and attempted to scoop out the grave, my hands turning numb. I made the name visible.
Michael Townley.
I moved aside as Trevor started digging. It seemed as if it took hours, but he finally hit the coffin with a thud. I started to tremble, not of the cold that was eating at my body, but out of anticipation. I was finally getting to see my father after 15 years, but not on normal terms. We were basically robbing his grave without the intent to steal anything, well, except for heartache.
I helped Trevor pull the large wooden coffin to the surface. My bare fingers trembled as I unlatched the coffin. Trevor lifted the lid as the weathered hinges creaked. I froze.
Sure enough, there was my father. There was Trevor's best friend, who he thought was alive and well in prison. There was proof that Michael got off scot-free, and his proof of betrayal as he was going to basically surrender his so-called "best friend" to the bloody hands of the FIB. Tears started to form in my eyes. Trevor quickly shut the coffin and pulled me close. I glanced up to see he was sharing tears as well. I can only imagine how he felt. Life had already fucked him over so much, and now only to discover this? Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it. But, eventually he would've found out anyway. I just didn't realize that we were so connected already. I now vaguely remember seeing him around my father, obviously under different circumstances than we are now. Not too long ago I was tied up with a rival biker gang who belittled the crazy hillbilly. And now, here we are, holding and comforting each other.
We carefully lifted the coffin back into the grave, pushing the snowy dirt back into place.
"See you later, dad."
I muttered coldly as I turned to leave. Trevor placed his arm around my shoulders as we walked out of the graveyard.
All of a sudden, I felt him pull away. I looked up and my eyes instantly widened. Trevor was being held at gunpoint by a middle aged, average figured man in a suit and beanie. The man had Trevor in a headlock with one arm, the other arm positioned at holding the gun to his temple.
"Little Brynleigh, how are you?"
The man spoke.
I scoffed at him as Trevor attempted to wriggle in his arms. I stood strong, as I reached in my belt to pull out the pistol Trevor had gifted me. I stood firm, but on the inside I was freaking out.
"Who the hell are you, and what the hell do you want with him?"
I spat, clicking the safety off with my finger. The man chuckled.
"Just like your father, aren't ya? Disrespectful and dumb. You know what I'm here for."
It instantly clicked. It was him.
"Dave Norton. FIB. If it wasn't for my bad aim a few years back, we wouldn't be in this predicament right now."
My blood boiled as I slowly lifted the gun. Trevor glanced at me pleadingly. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I knew one wrong move and he was toast.
"What the hell do you want with him?"
I questioned sternly.
"Great question!"
The man exclaimed. He continued.
"You know T's history pretty well I'm assuming. Especially based off of the childish heist you two pulled off the other day. He's nothing but a danger to society. He's a threat. Threats need to be eliminated. That's my job."
"He's not a fucking threat! He saved my life! Let him go!"
I half screamed, half pleaded.
"How unfortunate."
The man chuckled.
"Oh and Trevor, I'm the one that was playing Brad all these years. You should've just listened to your 'old friend' and turned yourself in. We could've skipped this whole romantic encounter."
"Shut the fuck up!"
Trevor choked.
Dave tightened his grip on Trevor's neck, pressing the gun into his temple. Trevor closed his eyes.
"How does it feel, T? Your whole life you've been shit on by the people you loved the most, only to find out that your best friend Mikey plotted your death years ago. And you hesitated leaving him when I 'shot' him. Such a good friend. Too bad it was all a lie."
"Shut the fuck up you good for nothing piece of shit! You killed my fucking father!"
I brought my finger to the trigger. I went to squeeze down, and in that moment it was as if everything froze....

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