Chapter 15

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I flipped through the old notebook, passing discarded letters that were scribbled on and the pages sticky with beer. They were addressed mostly to "an old friend." Although they raised my interest, now was not the time, especially when the old Great Britain bag was singsonging her sorrows in my ear from the living room, followed by
"Whose that, Trevor? You're not even gonna introduce your mother to your little prostitute? Are you ashamed of me? She's hideous."
Trevor didn't even take up for me, which was expected, after all. I scoffed, but buried my face deeper in the notebook so Trevor wouldn't see. Next heist would definitely be to off her.
I sighed, making out the diagrams.
"Alright, we could either go the loud way and bust through the door, attacking any workers that may be working late without pay because that's just how the Dollar Pills is. This way could of course alert the cops quick, so we'd have to move fast. We could have a getaway car, but that isn't fun. Let's make it a getaway chopper, would be easier to off those fuckers if we were off the ground too."
Trevor nodded, and I continued.
"Or we could go the quiet and safe way. Still implement the chopper, but we would have to parachute onto the roof to lower suspicions. We would then break into the A/C ducts with simple tools, take out the cameras one by one, then off any people while still in the ducts. While there still is a chance of the cops being alerted, it would give us more time either way to grab the goods."
I cleared my throat.
"We could also grab the stuff needed for the meth too, while we're at it. The cash registers aren't really worth it, they only keep 100 in each, and that's just more risk of fingerprinting something. If we decided on the quiet way, and you could get me a laptop, I have an application on my cloud drive that can alter the pharmacy count. That's how I used to get away with snatching narcs. However, I could modify it a bit to link in with the computer system and make it as if a disgruntled employee performed the task. As far as our cuts, well, in this case it's nonexistent..I mean this is a last minute thing..but the profit off of that batch we're about to make could suffice greatly."
I turned my head to Trevor, who looked at my diagrams and chuckled a bit.
"You remind me of an old friend of mine, ole Lester. Kind of a creepy old fuck, had some kind of ass disease or some shit so he was basically a shut in, but man he was a fucking genius. I wonder what that motherfucker is up to."
I paused. Wait, how does he know Uncle Lester? There's no way that description could just happen to match another Lester around here.
The groans of the whore started echoing from the living room again, and I decided now was not the time. I giggled at his comment, making him relax a bit. I wonder what was on his mind.
"Alright, T. Which way you wanna play?"
"In the bed with you on top, of course."
He said in a seductive tone, making me blush like a mad man.
"I prefer bottom, thank you."
I added in, making him bite his lip.
"Alright sweet cheeks I can dig that."
He paused for a moment, looking over the diagrams one last time. He chuckled.
"Loud all the way baby!"
He excitedly exclaimed.
I knew he was gonna choose that one.
"Alright, call Wade and Ron, we're gonna need them for the set ups."
Wade gathered the heist outfits for us, which consisted of black bandanas, black backwards caps, black sport jackets, black glasses, black jeans for Trevor and leggings for me, black gloves, and black combat boots. Trevor smacked my ass as I came out of the bathroom from changing, making me yelp with surprise. He gave me a lustful grin as we headed out the door.
"We'll be back, Mama!"
We headed towards Ron's van, which Wade was driving because Ron went to go get the chopper. Not gonna lie, I'd much rather have Ron driving the aircraft than Wade. Ron even said he graduated San Andreas flight school (A/N: *Insert CJ's "ah shit, here we go again.") back in his married days, so he could take the wife out sightseeing. We see how that went, though.
I went to get in the back of the van, but Trevor shook his head and motioned to the front. He opened the door and plopped down in the passenger seat, motioning for me to sit on his lap. I gladly took the offer, making sure to push my butt up against his junk teasingly the whole ride. Luckily, Wade didn't seem to notice.
Wade dropped us off in the alley next to the Dollar Pills, speeding off to take position as back up just in case the plan went south. I made sure my bandana was in place and pulled out the gun Trevor provided. I had never really used a gun much, but this would be great training. I shivered as I thought about the dream I had the other night, but quickly dismissed the thought. I had to focus. It was already hard enough to focus with how good Trevor looked in a backwards hat. I sighed, sneaking up to the glass side window to observe. It seemed as if only 2 peasants were working over today, that Jerry fucker being one of them. God, I couldn't stand Jerry. The other one being a sluttier looking version of me, which I'm guessing was more than likely my replacement. I remember the days of working without pay well after midnight trying to climb the corporate ladder. And now I'm a step above that; robbing the establishment itself.
"Ready?" I looked up at Trevor, who nodded in response. We ran up to the front door, Trevor smashing his boot into the glass, causing it to shatter everywhere. The sound of the alarm pierced through my ears. The employees ducked to take cover. I jumped up and scaled the counter, aiming my gun at the young girl, who trembled in fear. She reminded me of me when I was held hostage by my ex lover. I kind of felt bad for her. Before I could overthink it, I pointed the gun and squeezed the trigger, blood splattering the cabinets and counters around us. Trevor took Jerry out, and I led the way as we headed for the controlled section. Trevor scooped all of the Deludamol he could carry into his inner jacket pockets. Wade definitely picked a good jacket design. I followed suit, also grabbing various other narcs and some downers. I heard sirens wailing as blue and red lights illuminated the building. I ducked and headed towards the back door. Trevor tailed me as we jumped into the back of Ron's chopper. Ron elevated right as the cops made their way around the building. Trevor and I hung onto the rails of the chopper as we used the uniformed punks as target practice.
The cops chased the chopper by car. Luckily, Blaine County didn't have a chopper of their own. We continued to take out cops as Wade weaved in and out of traffic, diverting them and shooting who he could. Eventually, the cops surrendered. That or we took out Blaine County's whole police force, I'm not sure. Ron landed us safely in Trevor's backyard. I thanked him as he flew off to return the chopper. I glanced back at Ron's house, where the van was safely parked, indicating Wade's successful arrival. I pulled off my bandana and glasses breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from my face. Trevor did the same.
"That was awesome!"
Trevor wailed, pulling me in for a kiss.
I accepted his offer and deepened the kiss, pulling him as close as the bottles of pills in our jackets would allow. He ran his hands down my back, stopping to squeeze my hips. I offered my tongue, and he gladly accepted. I brought my hands up to his face, cupping it as we expressed our fondness of each other. I felt his member poking my leg. I pulled away and bit my lip. Trevor stuck his lip out in protest.
"But Bryn-"
"Later Trevor, I promise. We gotta get these pills to your mother."
He sighed and nodded. He opened the door and I followed him in.
"Mama, I'm home!"

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